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Lola knew how Nick had said he wanted to take her out. She knew how she was still struggling after how badly her relationship with Peter had ended.

Lola knew she wanted to move on from the disaster that was her relationship with Peter. But she didn't know if she could do it with Nick.

That morning Lola woke and sighed. She checked her phone and saw a text from Peter. Lola knew she needed to delete his number. But there was a part of her deep down that still loved him.

The door opened and Alexa walked in. "Come on. Up you get."

"What? Why?"

"Because I have a date tonight. I need a new outfit. And you need to come with me," Alexa said.

Lola groaned. She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Fine. Let me get dressed. Get out."

Alexa turned and left the bedroom. Lola sat up and sighed. She knew how everything was just getting messy.

Lola was walking through the streets. She saw Nick as he walked over to her. "Hey. You never got back to me. About me taking you out," he said.

Lola nodded. "Yeah. Sorry. I've had a lot going on. Erm I'll let you know. I'm just going into town with Lex. But when I'm back, I'll come let you know," she told him.

Nick smiled and nodded. "Well I'll be in the bistro. You know where to find me," he said as he looked to her.

Lola grinned. She turned and walked back over to Alexa. "And what is going on there?" She asked as she looked to her.

"Nothing. Just been talking. Don't worry about it," Lola said.

"Uh-huh. And the fact that Peter is glaring at you both? I don't believe it," Alexa said as she smiled.

Lola rolled her eyes but smiled. She knew how it seemed. But it was innocent between her and Nick.

Lola groaned as she walked into the factory. She saw Carla there. Carla smiled. "And what's wrong with you?"

"My sister. She can bloody shop. She went in so many shops, it's unreal. I honestly don't know how the hell she's not bankrupt herself," Lola said.

Carla rolled her eyes but smiled. "At least you're not moping around now. I know all you've been through. And I'm sorry. But you need to somehow move on from it all. Okay?"

"It's hard. But I'm trying. And I just don't know what to do. Peter won't leave me alone," Lola said.

Carla nodded and sighed. "I'll sort Peter. I promise."


Lola smiled as she saw Nick. She walked over to him. "So I've been thinking. And maybe you can take me out on a date. I mean, it's only a date. Nothing serious between us," she said.

Nick nodded and smiled. "Sure. Tomorrow? I'll make a booking. And not at the bistro."

"Okay sure."


Lola sat in the flat and sighed. She was looking at the baby scan she had. She knew how it had all gone wrong. But she knew her mum was right. And that she had to try and move on from it all.

But she had no idea how she was about to embark on a whirlwind romance with Nick Tisley.

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