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Lola sat on the hospital bed as the nurse looked to her and smiled

"I'm so sorry there's no heartbeat" she said. Lola looked to her and nodded, she swallowed the lump that wad in her throat as she looked to Carla who was next to her bedside

"I'm sorry baby" Carla said as Lola tried to fight back the tears.

Lola was numb. She had lost her baby. It had officially gone and she hated it, Lola felt numb and she didn't know what she was going to do all that she knew was that she was scared.

She had to go through this alone. She knew that Peter should be there but he wasn't answering the phone and he wasn't there and she hated it

"why me?" Lola asked as Carla lay on the bed next to her and pulled her close and she kissed the top of her head and smiled

"I don't know darling. It just happens and no now can explain it and I know that you are hurting and going through hell right now but I am here, I am here for you and it's all going to be okay I promise you" Carla said as she held lola close knowing how her daughter needed her right now

Lola got back to the street and she saw Peter, she frowned to herself as she saw him with a bottle of whiskey

"lola" Carla Said

"it's okay" lola said as she walked over to Peter and looked to him. He was drinking and she knew that he was drunk once slain

"you didn't come to the hospital" she said as he looked to her and frowned

"I forgot is everything okay with the baby" he asked as she looked to him and sighed

"no. It's not. The baby is gone, I lost it and you know what you want even there, you weren't here for me and it's gone and nothing can change that" lola said as Peter looked to her and frowned

"our baby is gone" he asked as she nodded

"I'm so sorry" he said as he went to grab her arm as she pulled away from him. She looked to him and glared

"you did this Peter. You put me through the stress and I lost out baby and I won't forgive you and now our baby is gone there is no reason for us to stay together. We are done" lola said as he frowned

"I love you lola please"

"no, you love the bottle Peter and nothing will ever change that" lola said as she walked off

Lola sat in the flat and looked to see Alexa as she walked into the room.

Alexa looked to lola and sat on the sofa next to her, she wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into a hug and smiled

"are you okay" alexa asked as lola looked to her

"right stupid question. I know that you have been through hell today and how you lost your baby but I am here for you and it will be okay. You are not alone. I am here for you and so is mum and we will get through this together like we always do" Alexa said as lola looked to her and smiled.

She only hoped that she was right

Shouldn't love him (coronation street)Where stories live. Discover now