7》Verhyun-Second Chance

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But he more shocked to now who she is.


His feets was faster and quick as his possible until his fist landed on one of the men's face.

Blood inside him keep boiling until he didnt realise, he punched that latter's face too rough.

While the other man already ran away.

Before he could threw another punch  a hands suddenly hug him from behind to stop him.

"Stop! Hansol, jebal hajima!"

That name.

She's the only one who allowed to call him, Hansol.

Without hesitation, Vernon pull Dahyun away from the store and bring her back to where they supposed to live together.

Their lovely apartment.


Dahyun cares her palms, trying to stay calm.

Three months she left their apartment.

Nothing change, indeed Vernon might didnt do anything much in house and probably staying inside his room all day.

But her eyes caught the pictures on the wall.

So Dahyun stand up and look at the all polaroids closely to remind back her memories.

Her palms close her mouth, not knowing that there is certain pictures that she never know they had.

Or maybe he's the one who took it secretly.

"I didnt cheated behind you, Dahyun; I would never do it."

Dahyun slowly turn around.

He was staring her too deeply.

"The moment you saw me hugging Somi and letting her kissed my cheeks; its part of our relationship way as cousins. I saw her as a younger sister; not more than that."

Vernon slowly walk towards her.

"No matter how many womens I met, they still cant beat this girl."

Her tears started to falling down.

With that, she lower her head and begin to cry out loud. Her heart shattered to remember back how bad their break up was.

"I'm sorry, Vernon! I shouldn't have said we should broke up; it was a lie when I said I can move on from you, because I really cant!"

Her shoulders was shaking so hard and tears wont stop flowing on her cheeks.

"I'm so stupid for leaving you alone here; you deserves to hate me, Hansol."

Vernon shake his head and quickly pull her into his embrace, tight with full of missing each other.

"I cant hate you, Kim Dahyun. I cant touch the skies, but I know I can reach you from far away."

His hand stroke her hairs, like he used to do when she was scared of lightning.

Dahyun know he never give up on their relationship and always wanted them to go more on the next level.

Vernon does asked her if she wanted to marry him.

But she said she's not ready yet, so he waited for her because he respected her decision and as a woman.

Right now, would it be worth to try again?

"I wont force you to be my wife, but I'm willing to wait for you until God tell us that this relationship is worth to work it."

Dahyun shake her head and look at his face.

"No, I'm ready to marry you."

His face lighten up and all he could do is smile as wide as his happiness getting wider.

"Really?! I mean I wont push you if you need time."

She chuckles and cares his cheeks.

"I dont want to feel regret again after I left you. So now, I'm sure that I'm ready to be Chwe Dahyun."

Vernon grin and closer their forehead together until their eyes closed.

His heart that almost getting cold back, finally being warm again. Her ego that onced lead her mind, was shattered to open her heart again.

They realise nothing will make them happy without being with each other.

She need her half.

So he be her half's forever.

Both wanted to be each other's life.

Until love become one.

"This is my last second chance; I wont ever lose you again, Kim Dahyun."


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