"My True Colors"

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"All I ask is to be left alone, I'd rather be a person that is left unknown, I am talking crazy, sorry my mind's blown, maybe its the fact that my true colors are shown..." This song right was a "dark" song for the Khaos persona. I can't remember why I wrote that song exactly, but I do know that I was mad as hell the day I wrote it. "I live my life with no true regrets, but I remain distant from all this built in stress, in the shadows is where I'll most likely hide, watching days in my life slowly pass me by..." Look, I swear sometimes when I'm mad, some crazy stuff be coming to mind then out my mouth. Hearing this song you would've thought I was gonna commit suicide the next day haha.

This song was ORIGINALLY written for a Linkin Park instrumental called "In The End", but as good as it sounded in my head, it sounded like garbage out of my mouth. Then me and Suav ended up finding a non-industrial beat then I worked with that for a few days, made some readjustments to the lyrics, practiced then it was showtime again. "Agony corrupted my soul, pain turned my heart into one big black hole, then my anger rose to a point I couldn't control, what I'll do next? Only God knows, rage is exactly what I know best, just sitting here thinking about it I can feel it in my chest...."

Now that I think about it, I think what made me mad writing this, was people at school was talking so much trash about my music. Yep, that was it, haha, o my. Anyways "My True Colors" is a song that I'll love to redo because I feel, that having the experience and skills I have NOW compared to 2013 when I made these songs, the 2015-2016 versions would be SO much better. Just saying, like the next song for an example.

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