Britannia Angel

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Arthur hovered above the streets of England. He looked at the humans and pondered how they seemed like little bugs to him. So insignificant. He wondered why they were God's favorite toys. They seemed so flawed.

Unlike angels of course, who were made to be perfect. Loyal, serving beings ment to watch over God's toys who always got into trouble. Maybe Arthur's head was in the clouds.

That's why he decieded to come to earth and walk among the humans. Maybe if he saw what it was like, it would change his point of view. Then again, maybe not. It was a harmless experiment nonetheless.

One human in particular caught his eye. A tall blonde man with glasses was walking into a candy shop across the street. He touched down where no one could see him and casually walked into the shop.

He saw the young man in the chocolate isle with a bunch of different hershey bars. He took them to the counter and cheecked them out. All the while Arthur kept an eye on him.

The blonde man walked out and started walking along the street. Now, Arthur didn't know that if he followed the man for long enough, he could seem suspicious. After following the tall man for 2 blocks, he turned around and asked, "why are you following me?!"

Arthur, looking shocked at the confrontation, didn't know how to reply. "Sorry, just found you intriguing."

"How so?" The American asked.

"I don't quite know, but you seem different." Truth was, Arthur could see his aura. Humans had auras of different colors that indicated weather or not they were a pure hearted person. The blonde man was very pure hearted.

"I'm no different than any other guy." He looked confused.

"Mind if we have a chat?" Arthur asked. Then he noticed that sounded really strange to the human. "Not to be creepy, but I'd like to know some more about you."

"I guess you can walk with me to my house." The human replied, not wanting to shun the brit.

"Thank you. What's your name?" Arthur asked, falling into stride with the man walking down the sidewalk.

"Alfred. Nothing special."

"Indeed." Arthur let slip. He coughed. "I mean, sorry. My name is Arthur."

"Well, Arthur, what did you want to talk about?" He asked, seeming to take no offense.

"Just curious, what did you want to be when you were little?" People were most pure when they were children. You can find out a lot about a human by asking them this question.

"A hero. I uh, wanted to save lives."

"Most noble, yes."

"Lots of kids wanted to be heros. Why am I special?"

"Do you still want to be a hero?" Arthur inquired.

"Yeah, sure, but I don't und..."

"Most people give up on dreams like that when they find out how harsh the real world is. You didn't do that, did you?"

"No. I prefer to see the lighter side of things. Makes life more enjoyable." Alfred went for a smile.

"Admirable." Arthur commented.

"You're pretty straightforward, ya know." Alfred said. "It's not a bad thing."

"If you say so." Arthur blushed a little.

Alfred stopped and walked up some stairs to an apartment. Before opening the door, he looked back to Arthur. "Wanna come in for a drink?"

Flattered by the invitation, Arthur replied, "I'd love to." And followed Alfred inside. They walked up more stairs and came to a halt when Alfred led Arthur inside his humble abode.

There was a scarlet couch on top of a white rug on a wooden floor when they walked in. Across from it was a small tv mounted on the wall. The walls were mostley barren with the exception of a few movie posters. On the right was a kitchen and on the left was a bedroom. Arthur thought the home was comfy, but was caught offguard by the scent of fast food coming from the kitchen.

"Do you eat fast food a lot?" Arthur asked.

"Uh, yeah I guess. I don't have a lot of time to cook." Alfred replied with a hint of embarrassment. "I'm a good cook though." He defended.

"Really now?" Arthur raised an eyebrow.

Reluctantly, Alfred asked, "would you like to stay for dinner?"

"Absolutely." There was something strange about Alfred's presence that Arthur enjoyed. He liked how open and... human he was.

While Alfred got drinks and made dinner he still talked to Arthur. Mostly about random things and stories from the past.

"No way!" Alfred shouted upon hearing Arthur's story about how he was there when Prince William was born.

"Oh yeah! We used to play together a lot when he was a child."

Alfred ended up making some steak, mashed potatoes, and biscuits for dinner. It was a delicious meal as far as Arthur was concerned. For the next few hours, they talked and Alfred convinced Arthur to play one of his video games with him (which Arthur sucked at). The hours were filled with a great deal of laughter.

Sadly, there came a point where they both knew it was time for Arthur to leave. Arthur was thinking, "maybe it wouldn't be so bad if this one human knew my secret."

Alfred led Arthur to the door and looked out. "The sky sure is pretty tonight, huh?"

"It is indeed." Arthur looked back at the man who had stunning ocean blue eyes. Once the tension broke off, Alfred spoke.

"Well, thanks for your company, Artie."

"Arthur, and no problem. Thank you for having me."

Alfred nodded before Arthur spoke again. "You've made an angel realize something that he never quite had before. It's quite extraordinary." Before he could change his mind, Arthur leaned up and kissed Alfred's cheek, causing both of them to blush.

Alfred gave Arthur a look of confusion as to what he said before. "What..."

"Angels are watching over you, Alfred." With that Arthur turned around and spread his beautiful white wings. He didn't get to catch Alfred's exquisite expression before be took off into the night sky with his new view of humans.

Flawed as they were, some of them had the redeeming qualities that made them worth watching over.

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