The First Man

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Adam. I was just hoping that Belph wasn't playing us.

I stared daggers into the back of his head as he led us through the abandoned streets towards the place where The First Man was living out his days.

According to Belph, that place was a small bookshop in the heart of Moonstone.

The shop was old, I could tell that much as we made our way up the winding cobblestone street towards it. A small hand painted sign that read 'Garden Books' was the only distinguishing feature on the outside of the whitewashed building.

"Let's head in." Belph said, leading the way inside.

The fresh smell of new books hit me as soon as the door opened. A bell tinkled above us, announcing our arrival.

The store was rows and rows of neatly stacked books, all coordinated by size and color.

"One moment!"

A deep voice called from deep in the aisles. After a moment a tall thin man appeared, his dark skin and short hair contrasting against the white shirt and brown trousers and bow tie that made up his outfit. A pair of wire rimmed glasses sat low on his nose as he glared at us.

"Two vampires, an angel, and a demon make for strange companions, especially when they walk into my bookshop," he said slowly. His tone was light but there was something hard behind his words.

"Adam, we came here for your help." Belph said, "Not for a fight."

"No, what you seek from me is knowledge." Adam said, "And, that doesn't usually come free."

"So, you know why we're here?" I

"I do," Adam confirmed, "But, I regret, I cannot help you."

"But, you know where my brother is?" Dylan asked.

Adam looked at him, a deep sadness in his eyes, "I do." He said simply.

I frowned, "Then why won't you tell us where he is?" I demanded.

"You will not get anything more from me, but I wish you luck." Adam said, turning to head away.

"You've lost your edge Adam," Micheal said, making him stop in his tracks, "When did you become so weak?"

Where are you going with this Micheal?

"This is not weakness, this is survival." Adam replied, "When you've been playing the game as long as I have it becomes necessary."

"And working with Lilith, was that necessary?" Michael asked.

Before any of us could move Adam stepped forward, his arm outstretched, a short sword pointed under Micheal's neck.

Shit. Damn it! He had to push it too bloody far. Did he forget that he no longer has his powers?

"Don't test me." Adam said calmly.

Micheal stood still, "I am not afraid of you."

"Then you're a fool. An angel without wings, that makes you vulnerable."

"You were a good man once," Micheal said softly.

"Good men don't survive." Adam replied lowering the sword until it seemed to fade away.

"This crap is getting us nowhere," Belph complained, "Adam, a war is coming and sooner or later you're going to have to pick a side."

He took another step forward and this time I was ready. I shoved myself between them and threw my hand out, stopping Belph just inches away from Adam's chest. They stared at each other for several long, tense seconds before Adam finally relented, turning around and walking towards one of the shelves, pulling out a large book.

"The sides have already been chosen," Adam said, opening the leather bound volume, "And you can be assured I chose the right one."

He handed the book over to Micheal who accepted it reluctantly.

"What is this?" He asked.

"It's information," Adam replied, "I'm afraid I have nothing else for you, and I would kindly ask you to leave my shop." he added coldly.

"Fine." Micheal said.

I turned to follow Belph and Dylan who had already walked through the door. I followed him outside, where they were arguing about what exactly we should do next. My attention was focused on Micheal though. His face was grim as he looked at the book. The corners of his mouth curled slightly upwards as he skimmed through the pages.

"Well?" I asked eventually.

"The Book of Satan." he murmured.

"Yes? What does it say?" I pressed.

"Nothing," Micheal said, shutting the book, "It's not the book that's important, it's where it's telling us to go next. I think Adam was being watched."

"And where exactly is the prehistoric fool sending us?" Belph asked.

"To Lucifer." Micheal said.

Oh fuck no...

"Are you out of your bloody mind?" I said, fear racing through my heart, "Micheal, Lucifer is destroying everything we've ever known right now. There's no way."

"He's looking for his son." Belph said, sounding resigned.

"That doesn't excuse what he's done." I said.

"We don't have a choice," Micheal said, "Either we go after Lucifer and help him find his son, or we leave everything to the mercy of Lilith's grand plan."

"What if Lucifer isn't the monster that everyone thinks he is?" Dylan asked, "He was an angel, right?"

"Maybe he's changed from his time in Hell," Micheal mused, "He was never evil, just unbending when it came to certain rules. He will be able to locate Alec's body. I'm certain of it. Once we have that we can get him and Nick out of Hell, and out of Lilith's grasp."

"When the Devil is the lesser of two evils," Belph sighed, "That's when you know the world is going to shit."

He wasn't wrong there. I hated the idea of having to turn to Lucifer, but right now I'd take any hope I could get of having Alec back.

There was silence for a while, broken only by the sound of water splashing down onto the ground as it began to rain. The clouds overhead seemed to shift, moving across the sky. A storm was brewing.

"How do we find him?" Dylan asked eventually, breaking the silence.

"If you had been stuck down in Hell for millennia, where would you go?" Belph said, "I say we check the clubs and bars. That's where I would go."

"Maybe," I said, thinking, "But, he's destroying things because he's looking for his son, right? He's not thinking about where he would go. He's going to be thinking about where Lilith would hide out."

"Where would you hide out if you were The Mother Of Demons with a teenage kid?"

"We know where she's hiding," Belph said, shaking his head, "Hell."

"Yeah, but Lucifer dosen't know that," I pointed out, "That's why he blasted his way through the multiverse."

So, what the hell would Lilith do?

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