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Enchanting. That's what I'd describe the show as. I was never interested in the K-Pop Genre. I thought that this music and the representation are about women or men swooning over them. I have seen Annie each day, how she talked about them and how she adores them. She practically fell in love with a diffrent man each day, but this group, this one was always special to her. It didn't matter to her which men she falls over next, that one Group would always bring her back. And Tadashi, he was the one carrying her Heart. He was special to her. You could see her eyes sparkling while she watched the show. Her jaw always dropped and formed a smile as soon as she saw the said man. I couldn't stop watching them as well though. The music, even if I couldn't understand some parts due to my lack of knowledge of their language, it still was breath taking. I loved each second of it and found myself become a K-Pop Fan myself, I believe.

While watching the show I paid extra attention to Ji-Woon, who was watching the cameras intensely. His eyes were practically glued to them as he performed and let me just say, that I practically begin to swoon for this man even more. His voice combined with the music in the background, it was just magnificent. He captured not only me, but also his whole fans with his performance. Sometimes the screams of their fans were even louder than the music, which impressed me. Now I truly understand though, why those girls were so in love with them. Their voices. Their music. Their performances on the stage. The way they were dressed and knew exactly how to move to capture the fans yet again. It lasted for two hours, yet it only felt like ten minutes. It was saddening to see them go off stage, yet it filled me with excitement again because I knew, that they would come to us now, after this fantastic performance. But, they didn't come. I was confused and questioned myself why they didn't show up yet.

As if Jennifer could read my mind, she said with a knowing smirk: "They are at the meet and greet backstage."

"Meet and greet?", I questioned lost, not knowing what that was.

"It's for fans with a lot of money basically...", she laughs while shaking her head, "...they pay extra to meet their 'future' husbands as they would say now."


Jennifer skips over to me and tacks my hands. She smiles warmly as she slightly pulls me up.

"Let's go to them."

I nod my head with a smile of my own.

"You coming with us, Annie?", she questioned the little girl, who was beaming with excitement.

"Of course!" She quickly got up from the couch and ran to our side. We walked out of the room and down the hallway. A lot of staff members passed us while we made our way to the guys. I was fascinated by all the equipment and technic that we passed. I had no idea, that they needed this much of equipment for one single show. There were about 50 cameras, monitors, lights and the list goes down even more. I'm pretty sure, that they don't need all of those things and that they only have them for technical difficulties, but I was nonetheless impressed by the capacity. Loud cries and laughter were getting louder and louder with each second. They are pretty annoying to say at least, not very blissful to my ears. I don't know, if I could listen to those cries each day. But you probably get used to it after some time. Jennifer tightens her grip on my hand softly, making me look at her questionable.

"Don't take things personally. You might see things that look shocking or with some kind of hidden message, yet there's no meaning behind those interactions. The Boys have to play overly nice, even if the fans have other intentions."

"Thank you for warning me, I appreciate it.", I say smiling at Jennifer who nods her had grinning.

We walked around the corner, meeting with a pool of girls. Probably around thirteen. I couldn't tell due to the movements around the guys. Security had to step in, so that they wouldn't eat them alive at this point, which amused me in a weird way. To seek them all struggling, it is truly a rare and funny thing to see. Jennifer laughed, nudging my side which made me laugh as well.

情熱の音 - Sound Of Passion -Where stories live. Discover now