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Sigh. My eyes glanced upon the mirror, which reflects myself. Clear to see. The flaws. Insecurity was something, that I had to deal with since forever. Some things always caught my eye, which didn't seem good enough. It was bugging me, yet I wasn't sure why it was so damn important today. The concert was staring today, nothing special. Maybe it was because of Ji-Woon. Being his special VIP Guest is a big deal, something lots of girls dream of out there. My eyes flicker back and forth. Checking out the clothes I was wearing. I hate wearing dresses, which is why I decided against it. My pick was some ripped, black Jeans. Adding to that a black top and white sneakers. Thats all, simply simple. A style I enjoy wearing, something I feel comfortable in. It would be enough for the concert, I guess.

A sudden knock on the door caught me off guard. I spun to the source of the noise. It must be him. I approach the door, taking my time before opening it. Ji-Woon is who I was expecting, though it was just a foreign man in a black suit. He was holding a box in his hand, his expression was unreadable. His hand shot up, holding the box my way.

"A present from Mr. Ji-Woon. He expects you to wear this." He briefly said, eying me up and down. His frown showed distaste, though I couldn't care less.

"I- Thank You..." I took the Box out of his hands, shaking it a bit, trying to discover what might be in there.

"He is already waiting for you downstairs. Don't take your time, woman." He rudely said, interrupting me and walks off. I wanted to scream out to him for his rude behavior, though I decided against it and close the door. A sigh crossed my lips after the door closes shut and I immediately walk towards my open kitchen, getting a knife. I carefully open the box, not wanting to destroy the present of the man and open it. A small laugh escaped my lips. It wasn't a dress, lucky me. A note was attached to a big hoodie, which had a mix of dark purplish and black color. It wasn't bad looking at all, something I'd wear. It even was oversized, something I love and covers my Insecurity. I took the note in my hands and began to read.

"I figured you wouldn't want to dress in a cocktail dress. So I give you one of mine. It might smell just like me, but it shows, that you're with me...be quick, I'm waiting~ J-W ;) "

A smile graced my lips. I immediately took the Hoodie out of the Box. I held it close to my face, trying to figure out the parfum. It was strong, yet sweet. It drove me crazy, though it was unknown to me. Might be something from another country, who knows. But I loved it. I changed into the Hoodie of Ji-Woon. An instant warmth washes over me, making me smile brighter than ever. I couldn't deny it, I was hella excited for tonight's event. I spun in circles, while the smile only seemed to get bigger. Another knock startled me, causing me to stop on spot.

"He's still waiting, come out now." A voice yelled from behind the door. I huff and roll my eyes. My mood drops a mile, nonetheless I hurried to the door. I open it in rush, making the man jump a little. His eyes scan me yet again, like a few minutes ago, before he nods to the stairs. I understood and made my way down. Just then I notice my leg shaking. They felt like jelly, making it nearly impossible to walk. I curse at myself, I can't make myself a fool infront of him. I open the door. The door opens, while the light of the lampposts greet me. I cover my eyes, spotting a figure lean against a fancy car. The dark silhouette jumps up, approaching me with a slight rush. I nearly tremble, if it wasn't for Ji-Woon. Cursed be my clumsiness. The man chuckles in delight as he pulls me against his chest. His slick fingers meet my chin, pulling it up in an instant. His yellow eyes shone brighter than ever, while his smirk reaches his eyes. My cheeks flush bright red, my throat is dry. No words could express the moment I was in.

"Well, I wasn't expecting from you to fall for me this easily...but I don't mind." His sweet voice whispers, for only my ears to hear. Bright lights shoot from our left side, showing Ji-Woon in his glory. His hair perfectly slicked back. The necklace he was wearing was shining ever so brightly and his outfit overall was sparkling from head to toe. Though, it was his eyes that truly caught my attention. I thought, that I'd loose myself in them. They reflect myself, though I could have sworn, that they showed a pool of emotions. A mysterious glint was in them, but also something dark. It fascinated me. Screams from the background got louder, which had gone unnoticed by me a few seconds ago. I carefully placed my hands against his chest, pushing him slightly away. An awkward smile formed on my pale lips. Just then I notice several paparazzi on our left. Their Camera seemed to have no end. Bright lights from each corner and size. They were screaming to Ji-Woon, asking him numerous things. But I didn't go unnoticed as well.

"What's your name!?"

"Are you the mysterious girl, which got mentioned by Ji-Woon himself at the talk show?!"

"Are you lovers?! Can we expect something from you at the future?!"

My anxiety grew, the feeling seems to grow overwhelming with each passing second. Ji-Woon, who was smirking the whole time, grew concern as soon as he saw my facial expression. He used his yellow jacket, covering my face and preventing the bright lights to flash my face. His hand found its way to my lower back, pushing me to his car, while he was waving to his fans.

"No questions please, it will a be revealed soon!" He shouts, causing the paparazzi to go mad. His security had a hard time keeping them away. Luckily we reach his car. He opens the door, covering me still with his jacket as I got in and even gave it to me. He sprinted to the other side and got in, right after he left my side and closed the door. He was wasting no time. He winks at me, liking his lips as he grabs ahold of my hand.

"Hold on to me, it will be the ride of your life."

情熱の音 - Sound Of Passion -Where stories live. Discover now