208. Real Life

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"Mama! Mama!" Evelyn smiled at the sound of her two boys shouting her name and went to check to see them standing in their cribs with messy hair and toothy grins.

"Hello my lovely boys," she cooed as she walked into the room and to the cribs "Did you have a good nap?"

They beamed as they bounced in their cribs, and that was when Chris walked in as well and blinked surprised seeing his wife of three years standing in the nursery between both cribs before smiling. "I see that the boys are awake."

"Just woke up when I came to check on them," Evelyn replied with a smile as she picked Lykan up while Chris picked Legacy up, "Did you call Ian to let him know that we'll be arriving at 4?"

"I did, he said he'll be waiting at the airport for us," Chris replied while he followed his wife towards the changing tables and got both boys dressed for their trip to Louisiana since they'll be spending the winter holidays with Ian and his family.

"You lacked their bags already right?" Chris asked and Evelyn nodded as they made their way out of the nursery and down the hall towards the dining room to get some breakfast and feed the boys their bottles.

"Alright, let's get you two fed," Chris said as he made his way toward the forged to grab some milk to heat up on the stove while Evelyn strapped the boys into their bouncers on top of the kitchen island before turning to the stove to make some food for both her and Chris.

"Did you see the latest news article about our supposed divorce?" Evelyn asked with a chuckle

"I saw that," Chris replied with a shake of his head, "And all because of the caption you put for your birthday message,"

"People will make up anything just to get people worked up," she said as she flipped the pancake she had on the stove over. Chris had the bottles ready and handed Legacy a bottle since the two-year-old coke hold his bottle before picking Lykan up and carrying him to a chair at the island and giving the soon to be 8 month old his bottle. It was crazy how fast they had passed since little Lykan was born. Soon he won't be so little anymore and instead, he'll be one.

"Alright baby, let's get you fed," Evelyn said as she walked over to legacy and took his out once he had finished his bottle and placed him on his high chair before putting his Captain America plate down in front of him that had some cut up fruit, yogurt and pancakes soaked on syrup.

She then placed one plate with the same assortment of food in front do her husband who smiled and with one hand, began to eat. She sat beside her eldest son and began to eat her food while also being Legacy with his.


"Auntie!" Little Phoenix screeched with utter happiness when he saw Evelyn and Chris, "Uncle!"

Every and Chris chuckled at the little boy's enthusiasm as they carried Legacy and Lykan while simultaneously pulling their suitcases behind them. Ian went and took the suitcases Evelyn was hauling making her roll her eyes, "You've got a baby strapped onto you, let me carry these for you."

"Fine." She replied knowing it was futile to argue with her overbearing older brother. Nina shook her head as she smiled while gently pushing the stroller holding a sleeping little girl and a wide-awake little boy—though he wasn't so little anymore as he was already 3.

"It's good to see you, Evie," she said once the pair and Ian joined his wife and chairmen by the gates. "And you as well Christopher. But most of all it's great to see my little nephews."

"It's good to see you as well Neens," Chris said as they exchanged hugs before they were heading to the exit, the four covering their children's faces before they exited the airport since the paparazzi were already snapping photos of them as they exited the building and made their way towards Ian's car.

"Get in the car and close the door," Ian said as he walked to the trunk to begin putting the suitcases away. Chris had handed Legacy over to Evelyn once she had Lykan strapped into the car seat that Nina had been keeping for them from their last visit a few months ago for the Fourth of July.

"You and Chris are heading for a divorce?" Nina asked Evelyn once she had her boys settled in and she sighed shaking her head, "Don't worry, apparently Ian and I are exciting another baby, or that Ian cheated and was having a baby with her or that one time they wrote an article about us also divorcing?"

"I hate the tabloids," Evelyn grumbled making Nina chuckle and give a small smile from the middle seats since Evelyn was in the back with the boys and Nina was in the second row with Phoenix and Kailani.

"The tabloids will always make up stories just to fule the fans, or people, up," Nina said and Evelyn couldn't have agreed more.

"Did you eat anything yet or do want to get something on the way to the house?" Ian said as he and Chris clients the front seats

"We had something to eat on the flight but it wouldn't hurt to get something on the way to your place," Chris said and Evelyn nodded in agreement.

"Alright, how does Wendy's sound?"

"Sounds perfect." All three replied in unison making Ian shake his head amused

"Wendy's it is then."


"Have you gone Christmas shopping yet?" Evelyn asked Nina a few days later once she and her boys and settled in

"Not yet, but I was planning on going shopping next week and getting a few gifts, would you like to join me?"

"Of course, it will be like the good old days," the blonde said with a smile that had her sister-in-law returning, "We haven't spent alone time in a while so we should enjoy it as much as we can since Ian and Chris will be watching kids."

"That sounds like a good plan." Nina said with a grin that Evelyn returned, "Do you know where you want to go first?"

"We can go to target and if we don't find anything we can just go to a different store." Said the youngest Somerhalder and Nina nodded her agreement.

"Haven't been to Target in ages so that will be our first trip."

"What are you ladies talking about?"  Chris asked as he and Ian walked into the living room carrying each child in each arm.

"About our trip to the mall," Nina replied and they nodded, "which means you two will be watching the kids for us while we go shopping." The men exchanged glances before looking at their respective wives and nodding.

"Alright, and when will this trip to the mall be happening?" Chris asked while setting the Legacy down on the carpeted floor much like Ian had done with Phoenix making both boys run towed through the toy chests in the corner to play.

"Next week, you guys are still recovering from your flight so I figured it would best to go once you're both more relaxed and settled in," Nina replied and he nodded.

And as promised; the two women went on their shopping trip and got their husbands and children first before moving on to their extended families. By the time lunch came around the women each had bought two full carts of gifts and were now on their way home.

"Should we start putting the tree up soon," Ian said once they migrated to the moving room after lunch and the women and Chris nodded. "We'll do it the week before thanksgiving that way we can have it up and all."

"Sounds like a plan."

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