202. Real Life

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"I can't believe we're going to be working together one last time," Evelyn said as she and Chris arrived to their Vancouver apartment after filing their scene with Jeremy.

"It feels surreal," he agreed pulling her into his arms and she smiled, "I missed working with you like I had when we stared together for the second season,"

"I know, this series has been a dream and I honestly can't believe this is the end. I've made so many friends through the years and though I'm going to miss them, I'm actually glad because I get to spend more time with you and the boys." She said and Chris hummed tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear

"Tomorrow you're wrapping," Chris said and Evelyn sighed and nodded, "I'm so damn proud of you, you know that?"

She opened her eyes and looked up at him and he smiled, "I read the script for the final episode and I was blown away," he stated and she smiled, "I can't wait for the rest of the world to see it and be just as blown away as I was and see just how talented you truly are,"

"You're only saying that because I'm you're wife," she stated but Chris shook his head

"I am not, and I would still think of you as such if we weren't, and not because of our childhood friendship, but because it's the truth, Evelyn. You're an actress, singer, dancer, director, and now a writer. How many people can say that? You're incredible and our sons will be proud knowing they have such a wonderful woman as you for a mother."

"Are you trying to make me cry?" She asked with a sniffle and Chris smiled wiping the line tear that had fallen, "because that's exactly where this is going, just so you know."

Chris chucked and shook his head before kissing her on the lips, "I'm only stating facts, babe."

"But also making me cry," she grumbled.

"Sorry, didn't mean to make you cry," Chris said wiping the tears away before giving her a soft peck on the lips and at that moment, both of their sons decide to make their presence known as they both began crying from their room down the hall and both parents smiled shaking their heads, "duty calls."


"How are the boys adjusting to live in Canada?" Cry asked when Evelyn arrived to se the following day and she smiled.

"They're loving it, as much as any child in a new place does," she laughed and Chy smiled.

"God I'm going to miss coming to work and seeing you," She said making Evelyn give her a sad smile.

"Me too, it's going to be strange not coming to work every day like we have been doing for the past five years," She replied and her costar turned best friend nodded, "the boys will miss everyone too."

"Oh I'm going to miss them too, gosh I can't believe how fast time goes gone by and now look at you, a mother and wife," chy said as they're asked onto set.

"It feels surreal," Evelyn agreed, "I mean I never thought that this would be my life after my rocky relationship with Blake,"

"Ugh don't ever mention that name again," the girls jumped upon hearing Katie's voice and grinned, "that man doesn't need to be mentioned ever, please"

"Yes, yes, sorry" Evelyn said holding her hands up with smile making Katie roll her eyes, "but as I was saying, I didn't think this would be my life after him, but alas it is and I couldn't be happier,"

"We've never seen you this happy in years," Katie said as they joined the rest of the cast, "where are Chris and the boys?"

"Back at the apartment, he's not needed right now but he'll be here when it's his turn to film," Evelyn said and they nodded

"Alright places everyone!"

Once everyone got in place, the cameras began rolling and as the hours passed, with everyone getting breaks in-between shooting, Chris and the boys arrived to the set making the entire cast, crew, directors awe upon seeing them.

"Mama!" Legacy squealed upon seeing her and Evelyn grinned holding her arms open for him and he didn't wait as he ran towards her and jumped into her awaiting arms before giving her kisses all over her face making Evelyn laugh and the others to awe at the sight before them.

"Oh I missed you so much" she said as he squeezed her first born making the little boy giggle as he struggled to get away from her, "did they eat yet?"

She stood up letting Legacy go so he could go get attacked by his favorite aunties before taking Lykan into her arms and peppering kisses all for the baby's fade making him squeal and giggle at the affection he was receiving from her. They could hear Legacy's loud giggles from down the set and knew he was being smothered in kisses from Chy, Katie, and Nicole.

"Yes, and they had also taken their naps so they should be okay for a few hours while we shoot," Chris said and she nodded

"That's good, and what about you? Did you eat anything?" She asked and Chris smiled giving her a kiss on the cheek

"Yes, right before the boys woke up," he stated and she nodded, "how has filing been?"

"Good, we just finished filming a scene," she said as they made their way to where their friends and son were and couldn't help but laugh at the scene before them. Legacy was currently running around the room with Chris' cape and he looked absolutely adorable.

"Mama, Daddy" he beamed when he saw them and Chris walked over to him and picked him up

"Have you been good for your uncles and aunties?"

"Yes" the little replied nodding his head

"Are you playing superheroes?" Evelyn asked and Legacy nodded again with a smile, eyes sparkling

"Just like mama and daddy" he replied and the pair smiled at their eldest as their friends watched the scene before them, "I wants to be daddy for Halloween," he added making his parents smile

"I think we can make that happen," the director said as he walked onto Kara's apartment set as that's where they had all gathered while they waited to be called back to film, "I had one of the costume designers work on costumes for the boys as a farewell gift,"

He held the box towards the pair and Chris set Legacy on the ground as he opened the box revealing two Mon-El suits in toddler and baby size for the boys.

"Oh my gosh," Nicole fished as they saw the little suits and Evelyn awed

"These are absolutely adorable," Evelyn said as she took the baby sized suit and laid it over Lykan, "the hall re good to be so freaking cute on Halloween,"

"You're going to look just like daddy," Chris said as he showed Legacy his own costume and the big beamed

"Put it on?" He asked tilting his head and Chris smiled


And with that Chris and Evelyn changed their sons into the suits they had been given and once they were dressed, the pair posed with them as Chris has also gone and gotten dressed in his own suit as he was going to be filming soon.

"One super family you guys are," Chy-Leigh said as she snapped the photo and showed it to the pair and they smiled

"See, see" Legacy whined and Chy smiled before showing him the imagine and he grinned

"Supew hewo," he beamed with bright eyes and big smile

"Yes," she agreed nodding

"Alright everyone places!"

"Alright bud, mama and daddy have to go to work but you and your brother are going to be watched over by this nice girl here okay?" Chris said as one of the crew girls came over and Legacy nodded as Evelyn handed Lykan over to the girl, "be good,"

The toddler nodded and once they face the boys a kiss each, Evelyn and Chris joined the rest of the gang on set to film their scenes.

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