" I finished closing and treating his wound ... he just need time to rest , then he will wake up after that ... ".

I looked at his chest , The wound has healed and left a large scar...

If he didn't has Migi he will be dead ! !

My tears start falling down :" what happened to him ? Did a parasite attacked you ! Why didn't you run away !!!"

"Not a mere parasite ! It was his mother ! She come home and attack us !!!! ".

I gasped :" Don't tell me that his mother turn into one !! Oh noo poor shinichi !!! It must be hard to him looking at her !!! "

" He couldn't kill her at all ... he was thinking that she was still his mother".

I put my hand over my mouth ! Tears were falling Not believing what I am hearing ! He's almost dead and his mom turned into a parasite !! Poor Shinichi! I felt bad about his condition! He does not deserve all this suffering and pain

" if he didn't have you , he will die for sure , thank you Migi for saving his life !! Get some rest , I will stay here until he wakes up ! " .

Then I set in a chair infornt of him, I couldn't sleep at all , watching him breathing , his face was pale , he has become emaciated !! I was praying from the bottom of my heart that Shinichi would be fine...

Shinichi POV :

I slowly opened my eyes, the vision was blurry, I don't know what time it is now.. I don't remember anything and then the vision cleared and I found Nezuko sleeping on the chair next to me! I was surprised ...

"Nezuko???" . Nezuko opened her eyes and looked at me. Her eyes widened and suddenly she jumped up to hug me tightly, crying

" SHINICHI ! YOU'RE AWAKE * Crying*......... THANK GOD I THOUGHT........ *crying * ......I THOUGHT THAT ....* Crying *...... YOU ARE DEAD ....*Crying *. She was stuttering while still crying hard ...

I was shocked by hearing that... then I suddenly remember ! I remember my mother !She is now !!! .... it wasn't a nightmares !!!!....

" I AM GLAD THAT YOU ARE ALIVE*.... crying*...... , I WAS SO SCARED *Crying * .....THAT .... I LOST YOU *crying more and more *. ....

I hugged her tightly , I was about to cry but I couldn't !! It was deep inside of me !! I was in pain... my mother ,my father ... and what happened to them ... I want badly to cry and release all this pain !!

Nezuko was still hugging me not letting me go , she was crying in my chest ... I hugged her too closing my eyes ... . Wanting to comfort her ...

" Shshshs Nezuko it's fine .... I am here please stop crying ... ".

I patted her head until she calmed down. She soon stopped crying a bit .

Then I looked at her face. Her eyes were red from crying and tears were still falling from her eyes. She looked really sad and scared ... I wiped her tears with my thumb and told her.

"Nezuko, ...... don't worry, I'm fine .... I am still alive .... don't be sad ....... just calm down ... ". Still wipping her tears.

" shinichi ! Thank god ! I am so sorry about what happened ! Are you in pain ? Do you need anything ? Please don't move you need rest ... ".

" my mother ... ...she .....turn into a parasite ..... she attacked my .. father ... he is in the hospital ... I need to go to him now ..... ".

Still couldn't crying .

I was about to get up but I feel a great pain in my chest .

" No !!! shinichi stop , you are still tired , you need some rest ! you are pale right now .... Migi used all your energy to close your wound , .... I will bring you some food , you must eat .... here drink this vitamins .... "

" Nezuko don't .... ". But she went down already .....

I didn't want to eat ! I had no appetite
But Nezuko insisted that I must eat some food and take vitamins. Because I need energy in this state . She took great care of me.

I asked her :" Nezuko have you been all night here ? How did you know ?".

" yesterday you didn't came to school , I tried to call you on your phone a lot, but to no avail. Then I was worried about you. I came to your house . You don't answer either .. Then Hidari sensed you, but it was a very weak signal. Then I knew that something was wrong... I entered here and I found you ...... ".

She stopped for moments looking down sadly .

" you were in the floor with a big wound . I was so scared that moment ! It was horrible . Then I bring you here And I tried to help Migi in treating you. Then I stayed here at night so as not to be attacked again.... I am so sorry about what happened ! .... ".

" thank you Nezuko so much , I ... I am Sorry to make you worry about me ...".

" don't you say that at all shinichi !. I am so happy that you are alive !!".

" I But I have to go I can't stay here ! My father is in the hospital !....... What if that monster come back to him ! That parasite was looking for him !!! I must go !! I got up from my bed ...

Nezuko was staring at me :" I can't stoped you from going to your father , but I will go with you too ... ".

" Nezuko no I can't let you go with me ! It's dangerous .... ". She cut me off

"  I won't let you go by yourself ! Not in this situation ! It's dangerous for you too ... I want to be by your side !!! I will go with you just in case ..." she said quietly...

I couldn't argue with her " fine I will prepare my stuff after that we will go to your house so you take your stuff too . ..... thank you so much Nezuko I don't know what to do without you ....". I said

" don't mention it , let me help you .."

We are now on a ship heading towards the hospital, Nezuko was sitting in front of me while she was sleeping, I put her head on my shoulder , I started looking out the window and I was drowning in thought....

To be continued ....

Hey again thank you so much . I hope you like this chapter as well !!! ...

See you next chapter .....

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 04 ⏰

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