Chapter 09

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Shinichi POV :

I was in my room , thinking about the mysterious parasite that it can disappear  in mere of seconds !

Why does it do that ? Did it want something ? .

" Migi just tell me how did that parasite disappear ? Can parasites do that ? "

" I don't know , this is new to me ".

"Migi, is it possible that your sense is sick? Or is there something wrong with it? Because I'm starting to suspect that you're no longer able to accurately locate parasites."

" No that's impossible ! I still can sense the parasites , whenever Tamiya Ryouko came to the class I sense her without losing her signals . But that parasite is strange ! ".

I started to think :" Migi , can your kind hide their signals ? ".

" No we can't ! It's something natural for us to emit signals , and those signals disappear only when the parasite die"

"But that parasite isn't dead , it do that twice, appearing for a while then disappearing like it want ? What's its plane? plus it's not having any killing threat ! Just why ?"

"Shinichi , I don't know about that either , I am curious too about that strange parasite , if it appears again we should find it soon, because it's seems that the parasite likes to play around us"

" does Tamiya Ryouko know about it ?like the parasite A  ? Should we ask her ? "

"I doubt , but why would she send it? I think it's not a good idea to tell her about it , let's act like there is nothing and we will see what she will do if she had any relation with it ."

" yeah you are right "....

Nezuko POV :

it was night , I was laying in bed , thinking about the fact that izumi san is a parasite !

" Hidari tell me , Can parasite have feelings ? "

" feelings is something complicated to us , for me I don't understand it . Why are you asking ?"

" when I meet izumi san that day , I didn't have a bad feeling about him like Tamiya Ryouko , plus , although Tamiya sensai is a cold one with a unemotional face but he is not like her at all, he was smiling , blushing , tensed, he was also kind , I can't believe he is a parasite ! Or did he try his best to look like human ? And the most illogical thing I see him having lunch , he can eat human food ! This is strange ! "

Hidari looked at me :" for me I don't have feelings ,but I can live without eating human because I take nutrients from you blood , other parasites can live on human food , because they are having a human body after all  "

" so you say that the parasite can live on human food , but why they eat humans ! " 

" I told you before we only follow our instincts , but that parasite is a way different , you say he has feelings , it's possible that he is acting like human ".

" I see that the parasites in this city are more intelligent and less savages ! And also can act like human being ! "

"now you had discover who is the parasite . What is your next step ? Are you going to kill him , I am not sure about Tamiya sensai and what kind of signals that she emit , but the other didn't emit any threatening signals"

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