Chapter 06

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No One POV :

Next day , everyone was sitting in the classroom in groups and talking. It was before the math lesson .

Nezuko entered the class room and all eyes were on her , she blushed and looked down then Yuuko approached her

" Ohayo Nezuko how are you doing ?  I was looking for you after school  but I didn't find you ,You were amazing yesterday ! I had no idea that you can play like that ? You scored goals from long distances!  managed to block the goals of the other team!  You have really awesome speed!  Where did you practice ? ".

Yuuko keep asking question after question , and Nezuko didn't know what to say , she didn't like attention !.

" Yuuko stop babbling ! You look like idiot .  Stop being annoying" Furu smirk and looked at Nezuko admiring  .

" Furu you baka , for your  information , it was my idea to invite Nezuko playing with us , so you should thank me at least ! Don't care about him Nezuko he is always like that , ."

Nezuko set down and said quietly :" Um ... no it's fine , thank you . I used to play basketball in my old high school" .

" oh really because you play amazing , I am sure we will be winning every match ."

she continued while talking loud so every one can hear her :" Guys I think we have another professional player beside Izumi shinichi , no class  will defeat us !! ."

They all said : " oh yeah ", Nezuko was confused  :" Izumi shinichi ? Who ? ." Asked quietly . Yuuko replied :" oh it's that boy .... " she was cut off when the teacher entered , Tamiya Ryouko.

Nezuko POV :

" oh  that boy  over there . .... "  pointed at some guy  was sitting beside the window ,suddenly the math teacher entered , I looked at her then I have a bad feeling. I felt something not good at all , I looked at her face , she was pretty woman, but her face , unemotional , she has a cold features , she looked at us then her eyes landed on me !  I tensed and looked down I can feel she is so strong , oh no it can't be ! . She is a PARASITE  !!!!

During  the lesson , the teacher was writing on the board some mathematical equations , I was trying to pretend I was focused with the lesson . But my heart started beating fast , though Hidari is hidding and no parasite can sense us , but just her look made me shiver ! I am sure she is a parasite , no human being look like that !".

The time went slower , I wish this lesson will end soon , I want to get outside , my left hand start hurting me , which mean Hidari is telling me to stop worrying , I start thinking about other things ..

The lesson ended then the teacher left the classroom , I quickly get up and run outside to  the toilet .  Hearing Yuuko calling me .....

I washed my face and I take a long breath. " Nezuko ! I told you to stop being worrying ! " Hidari said .

" Hidari I can't , that teacher was so scary , she is not a human ! Not with that face , I sensed a great power from her ! ."

" Nezuko calm down ! ." I calmed a bit " hidari we will talk later after school ".

I came back at classroom and set down , I put my head on the books , closed my eyes :" Nezuko are you ok ? You ran outside , what happened ?" I heard Yuuko asking . Nothing just meeting a powerful parasite which is now my math teacher . Isn't great ?. I thought .

I said  without raising my head :" Nothing , I am not feeling good ".

Yuuko said :" um are you sick ? You  should go to the infirmary , you look pale you know . " ." Um.... no I will be fine ,... thank you for asking " . I raise my head and smiled.

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