Chapter 1

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(Y/n)s POV

I was getting back to Mr. Spencer's mansion. I was looking through the files that had all the details of my mission. I wanted to make sure that everything was written down. "Everything alright Miss?" I hear the driver ask from me. I smile at him before I brush my hair away from my face. "Just perfect. I'm just little tired after my business trip." He nods before he shifts his gaze back to the road ahead.

Rest of the way was silent so I could have a little nap. Because of my powers I usually never got tired but running around, plotting a murder and traveling took all of my energy. Thankfully I'm now back in America doing my almost boring job. Sure bringing coffee to an old man wasn't that exciting but being able to look through some research papers was worth it. I usually looked them over so I wouldn't get whip lash if they ever decided to do experiments on me. And I could make a escape plan before that.

"We are here Miss." The drivers said before he stepped out of the car and walk over to my door. He opened it for me which I thank him with a smile. I start to walk over to the doors of the mansion. The driver is carrying my bags for me which made me smile. Such a sweetheart. "Thank you so much for getting me here." I say to him as he puts the bags on the floor. He gets a blush on his face. "It's no problem. Have a nice night." He said before he leaves.

I hum as I make my way to the office of the mansion. I knock on the door and get inside. Mr. Spencer was writing something in his journal. "Good to see you again Ms. (L/n). How was your journey to Europe?" He said without even looking up at me. "It was successful. Your competition was taken care of." He hums as I walk over to him to hand him the files. "I knew I could trust you. Taking you in was the best decision I have made in a while."

I almost snarl at his words. Took me in? They kidnapped me from my family and enslaved me as some lab rat. "Good to hear that. Thank you for giving me this chance." I say to him before walking towards the door. "I'm going to go home. See you again in two days." Before I could open the door he hums. "Two days? What do you mean?" He asked from me before I smile at him. "I deserve my rest. Good night!" I leave the room before he could say anything else to me.

I take my bags at the front door and walk over to my car. Once I get in I could feel myself relax more. With a smile on my face I put the keys in and turn the engine on. I could see that someone filled the tank which I was happy about. Another gift from the old man. Now I just needed to get to the city so I could finally have the bubble bath that I have dreamed about for a week now. I start to get out from this creepy place. I never liked this place.

Once I get to the Raccoon City I stop at one coffee shop. I just missed this places dalgona. It was so delicious. I lock my car and walk over to the shop. I walk over to order my drink which I get surprisingly quickly. I walk over to the huge window that was facing the street. I loved to watch the city at night. All the lights and everything. The people were also more interesting at the night. I take a sip from my drink.

"I didn't know that you were back from France." I hear behind me which made me to turn around quickly. First thing I saw were those sunglasses which made me smile. "You surely know how to sneak around Sir. But I just returned today." I say with a smile on my face. He hums before he sits in front of me at the other side of the table. "What's the matter sir? I didn't know you liked fancy coffee." He puts down his cup of coffee which he seemed to have as black. "I don't but I saw that you came here."

I feel my heart start to pick up at his words. "Wow. Are you stalking me Captain Wesker?" I giggle while I speak with him but he shakes his head. "It's hard to stalk people who are not in the same country than me." I giggle at his words. "You know you can be funny if you try. So how have you been?" I ask from him as I rest my cheek on my hand. I look his handsome face. Sure he was older than me but even I could appreciate his good looks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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