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(Y/n)'s POV

Where did this all began? Oh yeah. I was born in a Romanian village with a cult in it. My mother was deadly sick and asked for a gift, a  cadou from the village priestess. After some thinking she gave it to my mother which cured her but made her body and face horribly scarred and gave her some healing powers. But they did not know that she was pregnant. Imagine their surprise when I, a normal looking healthy baby girl was born. My American dad was amazed by me while mother seemed to be nervous. My siblings really loved me for the first look that they had on me.

Four years hanging around the village with my family, the four Lords and Mother Miranda. She was the one who was most interested in me. She always talked with me but never saw anything that would indicate powers in me. Year later of that my parent decided to move to America, away from the cult people. We left at night while those monsters in the village forest were chasing us. We get out of the country and left to America We really thought that everything would be fine but peace wasn't the destiny for our family.

I woke up at night because of two gun shots which scared me. I was six years old after all. I get up from my bed while holding my teddy. There was another gun shot with a scream that I recognized to belonged to my mother. I walk in the living room to take a look. I could see blood everywhere while my mother was begging and my dad was holding a gun. Mother turns to look at me while which catches my dad's attention. He turns to look at me before he lifts up the gun and shoots me on the shoulder. I fall to the floor while everything turns black.

After some time I hear crying while I wake up. I could feel some pain in my shoulder but thankfully it wasn't that bad anymore. I get up from the floor to see that my dad was crying while looking at the gun. I could see that all the others were dead which scared me. He turns to look at me. "I'm sorry darling. Please don't hate me." He says before he points the gun at himself. After that gun shot, I didn't have my family anymore.

Police came and after that I was send to my other family in Hawaii. I had a mom and dad there who loved me more than anything. They took me to therapy from early age which helped me get through what happened to me even though it still haunted me in the back of my mind. I loved all those ten years with them. They let me have my previous last name Campbell. I lived normal life with them until the incident.

I was walking home from school with my friends until I got hit by a pickup truck while crossing a road. I don't remember everything from that but I remember waking up under a cold tarpaulin. There was pain everywhere but once I started moving my limbs I feel them snap back in place which made me groan as I sit up. The tarpaulin fall away from my body giving everyone around me a shocked face. I roll my head which made my neck snap back in place.

I was confused as people started to freak out around me. Even the police offices were afraid to approach me. After some panicking and everything I was put in the back of the police car and taken in the hospital. They isolated me from all the other patients while they waited for something. They tried to take my blood but surprisingly it turned to ash when it was out from my body. It was then that I met Umbrella for the first time.

Some researchers took me away. They even told my family that I died at the accident and my moving was just nerves moving. But I guess they were in shocked since they believed that. I was taken to some laboratory where the torture began. They started to try my limits, see what I could survive. They even tried some viruses in me but they had no effects on me. I could still feel them inside of me but what ever was in my blood protected me from them.

After some time I started to train with a girl who everyone called Siren. She was maybe a couple of years younger than me but she has been here longer than I have. They never tried any viruses on her but she could do things with her voice. Probably why they called her Siren but some people also called her Emma if she wasn't near them. A habit which I adopted . She also turned into a monster once she was in water. I was also put through some surgeries but those wounds always healed. I then learned that I have a golden heart which cannot be removed since I would turn into a monster that would destroy every hostile thing in front of me.

After a year of training I met him. Albert Wesker. He was a researcher here looking at all the training that was done to us. After some time here I started to literally fade away. It started with my hands and starting to move up. I stopped eating, speaking and sleeping. I was just sitting in my room while waiting for something. They gave up on me. They even thought about locking me somewhere were I could just fade away. But he decided that I would be more useful as an assassin and soldier.

I started to train for that and I learned everything quickly. I learned how to use weapons, close-up fighting, flexibility and learned about different fighting styles. My favorite weapon was my pistol and whip which I used in fighting and getting through obstacles easily like some adventurer. I continued my dance hobby and studied law. Albert was there for those years. Once I turned eighteen I graduated law school which Umbrella paid for me and I became their lawyer and at the side I was an assassin who would do some missions.

After that my training was done and I was put to lead a strike team. However there was something else I wanted. I couldn't help but to have some feelings towards Albert. He was smart, mysterious, strong and well, good looking. And once I graduated, I started to tease him hard. I visited him often, would sit on his desk while we were speaking, even sometimes touch him but he didn't seem to be interested. Too busy with his work.

Oswell Spencer became interested in my talent and after some time, I was transformed to be his assistant from Albert's side. This seemed to rub him wrong way but I just ignored that. Oswell was a boring old man. However he bought me gifts like jewelry, a car and an apartment which was surprising but I wasn't complaining. When I saw Albert again after months, he had changed. He was surprisingly more interested in me.

We would talk a lot. I would visit my friend Emma and speak with him. He looked good in that S.T.A.R.S uniform of his but I never said that to him. He seemed to be annoyed that Oswell bought me gifts so I continued to wear them just to tease him. But sometimes I just teased myself with all of this flirting. Until I was send on a mission to take care of a competition that Umbrella had which made me go to France for a couple of months. Then I knew that there would never be a chance between us since both of us were too busy with our work. I just needed to focus on mine.

Hi guys! Little update here!

This story was meant to be a part of a series about Resident Evil gameverse but due to feedback here and other platform which this story has been on, I don't use my OC Scarlett anymore on this one. I understand that Reader experience is better for you to enjoy this story.

But because of the changes I have to make changes to the other story since the OC's were linked in these ones. So the other story will have to wait for now until I think of a way how to write these (Y/n)s together so there wouldn't be confusion who is who.

Thank you all for your feedback and have a nice day.❤️

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