I'm Trying

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Crumble me up in pieces like paper
Do your worst
Make the blood from my heart bleed
I promise
I won't feel a thing
Because i've already been broken
And you can't break what's already broken
You can only damage it until it's gone

You can't fix what you can't see
You can't mend my broken spirit, you see
So don't even try
Don't even cry
I am not worth the tears
So let me just hide

No i'm not shy
I just don't want them see me try
Try battling these demons and fail
And then cry
Oh how i wish they could see
How much i wanna die
Because there's nothing left for me
In my broken little life
Because i always hide in my mind
Surrounded by thoughts
Thoughts of when i cried

These demons won't find me tonight
So maybe next time i'll try
Try my hardest to

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