The Unbroken Promise

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whose heart is that, damaged and weak?
i think i know, it's owner is quite sad though.
it really is a tale of woe.
he wakes up, i watch him frown i cry hello....

he rises from his bitter bed, with thoughts of sadness in he's head.

he idolizes being dead, facing the never ending dread, when hel falls back into the bed.

he gives my heart a little shake
and sobs until the tears make. the only sound that breaks, id the distant waves and birds awake

the heart is broken and deep

but he has promises to keep until then he shall not sleep he lies in bed with cuts that are deep

until he has no promises to keep he rises from his bitter bed,with thoughts of sadness in he's head.

he idolizes being dead, facing the never ending dread,
while flying up up up....

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