At Home Care - Crockett Marcel

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Thank you so much for 7.3K reads! This one was a request! I just started working on framing it out, so I hope to start writing it tomorrow when I take homework breaks. Anyways keep on reading and requesting!

Requested by: DrewMurray13:(the request was really long which I enjoyed because I knew exactly where they wanted it to go, but way too long to put on here, so it basically went) Reader has an older boyfriend who beats her up. Crockett is their neighbor. One day the reader and her boyfriend get sick and need medicine, but the stores are closed. So she goes to Crocketts and asks to get some, he ends up convincing her to give an exam and he discovers broken ribs. He wants to help but she won't let him.

"I'm giving you a exam"

3,711 Words

Moving to the city by yourself at eighteen was your parents' worst nightmare.

But you didn't care.

You had grown up in a small town and really endured small-town living.

But after eighteen years it became too much.

And so you left.

Picked up all your belongings and moved across the country, to Chicago Illinois.

You knew nobody there.

But that didn't matter to you, because you were free.

Over time you made friends, got a really good job, and moved into a nice apartment complex. And even got a boyfriend who treated you like a first.

And now you are here.

Alex was nice, sometimes.

Unless he was drinking or had a bad day at work, or if he just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Other than that he was just peachy.

You shared the apartment that you had moved into months after moving into the city, it had been his decision to move into yours and not his.

He claimed his was too small even though they were the same size, yours just happened to be closer in proximity to a bar than he was.

Alexander was older than you, by fifteen years.

When you started dating him you weren't even old enough to drink a beer and he was creeping up on a midlife crisis.

But then again, maybe you were the midlife crisis?

When he was sober he always made an effort to care for you, showed you a good time around the city, and showed you off to his friends, as if you were a decorated trophy.

But when he wasn't, the only thing that was decorated was your body with bruises.

It became your normal because in your head you would rather put up with him than go back to the same small town you escaped.

He was actually the one who showed you to your new friends.

One day after he had a long shift at the 21st district where he was a senior detective he had been fumbling with his keys trying to get into the apartment when a man's voice caught his attention.

    "You work at the 21st district", someone who spoke with a southern twang said.

    "Yeah?", Alex questioned.

    "Sorry, the name Crockett Marcel. I work in the ED at Gaffney Medical Center. I work a lot with the 21st district", the man stated.

    "Oh. I'm Alex Miller, excuse me, Detective Miller. I recently transferred to the 21st, but haven't quite made it over to Gaffney yet. But then again I work in the homicide unit, so the victims I deal with don't quite make it to the emergency room. They normally head straight downstairs to the.."

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