Betrayed - Will Halstead

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THANK YOU FOR 360 READS! Totally random but has anyone seen 'Lumberlend' on Tiktok, if so how do you feel about Big Mike leaving, I'm gonna miss seeing him kill it in challenges. This is a short(er) one, giving some good Will husband content. I forgot to mention this in the last part but in italics in the middle of the story are flashbacks. Also MAJOR TW, for blood and death. Keep reading and voting, and just a reminder that requests are in fact open.

5021-Lewis = your call sign

"I'm so sorry that I betrayed you"

Sitting in the bullpen looking through the gang database attempting to find out who your current suspect that you had in custody was driving you insane.

You had combed through the entire database twice, his fingerprints had shown up in the system, but you were getting nowhere.

You could find zero relevant connections.

He had been flagged in the system when he was a child, but now he is almost thirty years old and hasn't added anything to his record since.

But you and the rest of your team knew that he was involved. Investors that were looking into his neighborhood had recently turned up murdered. Gentrification was alive and thriving in the southside of Chicago.

Throwing your pen across the room in frustration and running your hands through your hair you sighed.

"Woah there Miss Violence", Jay laughed as he peaked up from his computer, finding amusement in your current state.

"That's Mrs. Halstead to you", you said while glaring at your brother-in-law.

"Wow that nephew of mine is really making you, enjoyable today isn't he", he laughed again, finding humor in your pregnancy mood swings.

You were around twenty weeks pregnant and had found out two weeks ago in an almost disturbing gender reveal that you were having a boy.

"And you're sure that Jay is picking up the balloons?", you yelled down the hallway towards the living room where your husband of two years was standing.

"Babe I have told you thousand times yes, have a little faith in the man", he yelled back. You were in your shared bedroom finishing getting ready before you headed over to Molly's where the gender reveals were taking place.

"I'm sorry I just don't think I'll ever have a normal amount of trust in him after the whole wedding situation", you told him, raising an eyebrow.

When you and Will had gotten married it was Jay's responsibility to pick the rings up from the jewelers the day before, but he forgot, and the day of the wedding they were closed and Jay had to get Voight to call around and flash his badge so they would open the store.

You had found out and wanted to wring Jay's neck, no pun intended.

"Do you trust him with your life, but do not properly plan a gender reveal", Will said, referring to the fact that you and Jay were literally partners and put each other's life in the other's hands daily.

"Yes", you simply replied.

"You know what, ok", Will chuckled, giving in to the fact that he would never win an argument with a pregnant woman.

You got in the passenger while Will got in the driver's seat, the whole drive to the bar his right hand rested on your bump.

Walking into Molly's you not only saw your friends and family but you saw cheesy gender reveal decor like, 'here for the sex', everywhere.

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