A Surprise Visitor

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2 Weeks Later...

Jo's House

Jo's POV

I'm sitting on the side of my bed with Meredith next to me, she has her arms wrapped around the front of my body while I just sob, it's been like this most of the last 2 weeks, Meredith's barely left my side and when she does either Amelia or Maggie is here. Meredith starts talking about how much she misses Arizona and Callie and how she wishes they were here. She's soon interrupted by a knocking at my front door.

Meredith: "Do you want me to answer the door?"
Me: "No, I'd rather pretend that I'm not home, I don't feel like dealing with anyone else at the moment"

Meredith: "Ok if that's what you want, that's what we're doing"

We sit in silence for less than 2 minutes when we hear the person on the other side of the door speaking.

Unknown: "Jo it's Arizona, please open the door, I know you're not home. I got a letter from Alex and I know damn well you did too. Please Jo"

There's silence as Meredith and I just look at each other, without saying anything or moving a muscle even the slightest bit.

Meredith: "Ok I'm getting the door now, it's Arizona, she's not just going to leave"

Meredith gets up off the bed and walks over to the door so she can let Arizona in, while I stay seated on the bed and wipe my tears away. Soon Meredith is walking back over to me with a gorgeous blonde-headed Arizona walking close behind her.

Arizona: "Hi Jo, I'm so sorry that these are the circumstances that we meet after almost a year, I know this sounds stupid but how are you?"
Me: "It's fine, I'm fine, how's Callie and Sofia? Did they come back with you or are they still in New York?"
Meredith: "Sorry to interrupt, I'm going to make some coffee, do either of you want a cup?"
Me: "Sure"
Arizona: "No thank you, I had more than enough coffee on my way over here"

Meredith makes her way into the kitchen to put a pot of coffee on while Arizona and I get back to our previous conversation about Callie and Sofia.

Arizona: "Um, the girls are doing good but they didn't come back to Seattle with me, Callie has her job in New York and Sofia has school, Callie couldn't get time off and thought it was best that Sofia stay with her"

Me: "Oh, I suppose you're not staying in Seattle for too long then"

Arizona: "I might be, I'm not too sure, it really all depends if I can get my job at Grey Sloan again, Callie and I would have to go back to Sharing custody of Sofia. We haven't really talked about it yet, there's a lot to figure out first before I make a decision"

Me: "Oh ok, well you're always welcome to stay here as long as you like, I have the couch and the other half of my bed since no one else is going to use it and Meredith will be able to go home to her family"

Arizona: "Oh Meredith isn't staying again tonight?"

Me: "Seeing as you're here she can go home, she needs to be with her family for a bit. Even if you choose not to stay I'm ok to be on my own anyway"

Arizona and I silently sit on the edge of my bed for a short while, this is until Meredith calls out to the both of us from the kitchen.

Meredith: "Guys, coffee's ready"

Arizona: "Sorry to do this but I've changed my mind, may I have a cup of tea instead please?"
Meredith: "Of course, that'll be ready for you shortly"

We drink our coffee and Meredith orders some Chinese for dinner, we talk long into the dark hours without even realising it. By the time any of us reads the clock, it reads "11:18 pm"

Me: "Guys it's getting really late, you should head home Mer, we both have work tomorrow so we should get some sleep"

Meredith: "I'll see you guys later have a good rest of your night and I'll see you at work tomorrow Jo"

Mer collects her things and makes her way out of my place soon after, Arizona and I start to get ready for bed. Once we're both ready and in my bed and switched off all of the lights we continue catching up with each other on the last few years of our lives, well into the witching hours.

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