Chapter 10

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The month had flew by, during that month Katara had helped me perfect some of the water bending skills I was lacking with. I had also practiced my fire bending and went over the moves I hadn't done in a while.

I stood in my room and I took a deep breath as I got dressed, I decided that since there would be a bunch of spectators there I would wear blue to represent the southern water tribe seeing as it was more of a home then the fire nation ever was.

I got change before I sat down, I did a water tribe hair style similar to Katara's. I stood up and over looked myself and decided to take off the gloves, I fixed the thin material that the skirt was made of before I walked out.

A/n outfit at the top

When I walked out I saw Katara standing there with Sokka, they looked at me before they smiled.

"Where's Aang and Toph?" I asked

"They went ahead" Katara told me as she closed and locked the door

I nodded

We all walked side by side in order of the oldest to youngest, as we got closer to the area I started becoming more nervous.

"You'll be fine Y/n I promise" she told me as she squeezed my hand

I smiled at her


We walked through the door and they went there separate ways as I walked up the stairs to where all the others were. Once I got there I saw Naruto looking up at the clouds zoning out, I walked over and tap him on his shoulder.

"Oh Y/n your here" he said

I nodded

"Why are you zoning out?" I questioned

"Oh I'm just nervous what if I mess up" he started to rant

I put my hands on his shoulders to calm him down

"Listen you'll do just find besides your stronger then you think" I told him

He smiled and nodded before he looked at me

"What?" I questioned

"Why are you wearing all blue and I've never seen you wear that hair style" he asked

"I decided to wear it to represent the people who took me in" I told him

He smiled even bigger

"I knew there was a kind and caring person somewhere behind that cold wall" he told me

"Don't think just because I said those nice words I've opened up to you" I told him

He laughed as he shook his head before looking back out.

I zoned out most of the the fights all I knew was that Naruto had won his which I was proud of him.

I realize that it was time for mine when they called my name, I walked down the stairs and onto the grass. I looked at my opponent and thought she looked familiar but I knew I had never meet her a day in my life, it was something about her eyes that look so familiar.

"You know the rules and you may begin"

I stood there as I tried to figure out why she reminded me of someone.

"Are you gonna do anything because this is boring" she shouted

I didn't move when it dawned on me but there was no way it could be true, I hadn't noticed that she was charging at me until I heard Katara yell from the stadium, I quickly dodged and looked at her.

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