Chapter 4

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I had locked myself in my room, I haven't eaten anything. I only left to us the bathroom and that was it, Katara had tried multiple times to get me to eat but I would just refuse.

I was hurt but not from the argument with Sokka, it was the fact that he had slapped me, and he was well aware of what my father had done to me.

That I have a few scars from my father, from when he thrown stuff at me or when he beat me so badly I was coughing blood.

What hurt the most was he wasn't always like that in fact both my parents were very loving to me when I was younger and taught me how to fire bend, they had taught me the ways of a fire nation soldier. But when I bent water for the first time it all changed, they changed and they become cold to me.

I shook my head getting those thoughts out, I stood up deciding that I should actually eat, I left my room and into the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and sat on the couch and looked at the wall.

"Oh looks who finally left her room" I heard Sokka say

"Sokka that's enough" Katara told him

He sighed

"Alright fine" he grumbled

He walked over and jumped on the couch

"Look I'm sorry" he told me

I rolled my eyes knowing he didn't mean it

"Okay your team invited us to train with them" Katara said as she walked over

"What about Toph and Aang?" I questioned

"Oh they left like an hour ago" she told me

"Where did they go" I asked

She shrugged

"Looking around and buying some stuff" she told me

I hummed and got up, I changed into a red outfit.

After a few minutes we left and got to the training ground.

"Good to see you guys could make it" Kakashi said

"Y/n you look horrible" Sakura pointed out

"Maybe it's because she locked herself in her room" Sokka said

Katara elbowed him

"She wouldn't of if you hadn't slapped her" Katara told him

"Not my fault she can't handle it" he told her

I punched his arm, he looked at me

"Do you really think I can't handle a slap" I said

"I mean you locked yourself in your room afterwards so no you probably cried like a little baby" he teased

I bite my lip

"Not again" Katara groaned

"It's not the fact that you slapped me it's that fact that it was you, you slapped me even after knowing what happened to me when I was younger" I shouted

"Yah well so what grow up" he yelled back

"Grow up I'm more mature then you'll ever be" I yelled

"Oh look at me I'm Y/n I had a tough childhood and you should petty me" he mocked

"Sokka that's enough" Katara yelled

"No Katara she needs to hear it, she thinks just because dad adopted her that she's apart of our family but she not okay and she never well be, she's a monster, she's related to the people who killed our mother she's even wearing there clothes and to top it off she's even engaged to him" he yelled angrily

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