"Oh then let's wait inside at our table" Tyler said and everyone nodded following him inside

Everyone sat down at this long table with fancy menus infront of them...or as fancy as minion menus get and an overly excited Matt screaming about bob

"Hrizzy you good man? You can sit down theres more than enough chairs" Tyler said looking up at him confused

"Uh yeah..I just have a little problem" Grizzy said trying so hard not to smile

"Are you about to spray something on us, youre trying to hold back a smile and its scary" Matt said scooting his chair away

"No I just have something to get off my back.." Grizzy said

"What's up dude?" Smii7y asked concerned and confused

"No literally, something off my back" Grizzy turned around to reveal me standing there blushing and smiling awkwardly. Everyone looked at me confused and then at Grizzy

"Who is that..?" Anthony asked staring at me

"No way you guys are that empty headed" I said laughing nervously. Everyone stared at me quietly I looked over at Smii7y and we made eye contact for a solid second before his eyes widened and he had the biggest smile

"NO WAY!" Smii7y yelled shooting up from his seat "(Y/N)!?" I just nodded and he moved so fast to run up and hug me.

Everyone else just yelled in excitement and Kelly yelling how pretty I was and I of course had to yell back she was way prettier. Smii7y squeezed a little bit hugging me causing me to giggle

"Get a room!" John yelled throwing a bread crumb at Smii7y making everyone laugh. Smii7y let go blushing and so was I

"Shut up, you know I'll only ever get a room with you baby" Smii7y said winking at John making everyone laugh again

All of us finally sat down and ordered our food cracking jokes and laughing. Matt and Puffer kept going back forth "bullying" Grizzy, Tyler and Anthony were vlogging as well as Puffer & Grizzy, Droid and Pezzy were arguing like a married couple over weither orange or apple juice was better, the girls were drinking wine/eating sushi and teasing Tyler, Smii7y and John were flirting and I sat there in between them both laughing while trying to chip in now and then with The girls.

Everyone started drinking which if the table wasn't chaotic before well it sure as hell is now. I'd look over at Smii7y every now and then and notice him staring at me and he'd quickly look away blushing, I smiled brushing it off as a friendly gesture

"Whatcha drinking (Y/N)?" John asked and before I could respond he took a sip before scrunching up his nose and pushing it back towards me

"Juice? I was not ready for that taste, I thought you were drinking?" He said making me laugh

"Nope sorry haha I don't drink" I shook my head "sorry to disappoint"

"I don't drink either" Smii7y said taking a sip of his drink which clearly was alcohol and I looked at him with an eyebrow raised

"Yeah I so believe you, just look how pink your cheeks are super sober" I said poking his cheek and he blushed making me giggle

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