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Jisoo sighed as he walked into the room, he shared with his friends. "Is Jeonghan alright?" Seungkwan asked as he noticed the older walk into the room, "I don't want to talk about it right now." Jisoo said in distress as he laid on the bed. "Do you guys think that Jungwon would also be a fae?" Chan asked looking at his older friends.

"He probably is." Jisoo mumbled before looking at the younger boys. "What do you mean?" Wonwoo asked sitting beside him. "The nurse here, told me that Jungwon is also Seungcheol's child." Jisoo told them as he yawned softly before slowly closing his eyes. As he was falling asleep, the others were shocked to hear that.

"Kwannie's eyes are slowly changing into a pastel pink." Chan said making the others look. "They're pretty too." He said looking at the older's eyes. "Let's not talk loudly. Jisoo needs rest." Wonwoo told the others as he pulled up the blanket on the older. "Your eyes are so dual." Jihoon said making Wonwoo look at mirror.

The taller of all of them had shrugged, "They match my life so..." Jihoon snorted before regretting it as Jisoo shifted in his sleep. "Be quiet stupid." Minghao mumbled as he fixed his newly black hair as his appearance also changed. "For someone's who eyes are a jade green, your hair really went dark." Seungkwan said before being smacked.

"Mine are pastel yellow." Chan whined softly as he leaned on his older brother. "And mine maroon." Jihoon told his brother who looked at him before laughing quietly. "Hannie's were a lavender color, really pretty." Seungkwan said making the others agree.

Jeonghan gasped softly as his back started to ache again. "Are you alright?" Seungcheol asked as he looked at his soulmate carefully.  "My back is aching again." The blonde mumbled before sighing. "We've been here for more than a week and Jungwon must worried." Jeonghan said trying to get up before being stopped.

"Hey, I'll make sure you can get back with Jungwon, if you rest for a bit more." The older said as he placed his hands the younger's waist. Jeonghan sighed as he nodded slowly letting himself be comforted.

Time had passed by and so far the seven boys had stayed up in the room and only coming out when food was ready. "Does Jungwon think I abandoned him?" Jeonghan asked his friends as he held his knees close to his chest. "No." Jisoo answered as he held his best friend close to him and rubbed his back gently. "He may have just thought all of us went on a vacation for a bit." Jisoo responded, licking his lips as they were starting to get dry.

"Jungwon can never think that, plus once we go back he'll be excited to see you." Seungkwan said trying to calm the older down as he also tried his best not to freak out the others. "Only if we have a way to get back." Wonwoo pointed out before being hit with a pillow in his face. "Don't say shit like that." The taller sighed before grabbing the pillow and shrugging. "Sorry, I've lost belief that we're going to leave this..." He told his friends before laying on the ground and hugging the pillow to his chest.

Jeonghan chuckled softly before gently nodding. "Hopefully the princes will figure it out." He mumbled slowly falling asleep as the medications he took were starting to work. "His back still hurts?" Jihoon asked making the second oldest nod as he covered his best friend with a blanket.

Seungcheol sighed as he was in his fathers office with the other princes. "So, you have a child that you know absolutely nothing of?" Soonyoung asked confused as he heard the news that the oldest had given them. "Of course I don't know anything about him, we didn't even know who our soulmates are until Minhyun had to help us." Seungcheol said looking through his fathers papers that were stacking up.

"But the whole public knew..." Jun suddenly said making all the princes look at him like he knew something, which he probably did. "I mean, come on...when I first arrived with Minghao, I noticed how everyone was staring at him." He said before opening the curtains of the room. All of the boys got up and looked out the window to notice a small festival outside.

"What day is it?" Mingyu asked, making Seungcheol look back on the desk. "The seventeenth..." He said making all the boys in shocked as they remembered why today was so special for the town and especially for them. "It's Wonwoo's birthday..." Mingyu muttered to his friends who nodded in disbelief.

Vernon looked at the princes before sighing, "But would he even accept this? I mean c'mon, we barely found out that those boys are our soulmate though...who is Chan's soulmate?" Seungcheol shrugged as he then heard a knock at the door. "Uhm...Seungcheol-ssi..." A soft voice said from the other side.

"Come in." The oldest of the prince said turning around as the door had opened showing Jihoon with Jisoo. "Did you two need something?" He asked sitting back down in his father's chair. "Well...I know I shouldn't rush you guys, but when can you guys take us back? I mean no offense or anything but the longer we stay, the longer Jeonghan freaks out about abandoning Jungwon..." Jihoon said, holding onto Jisoo's arm for dear life.

Jisoo looked at Jihoon before pulling his arm a little. "Oh shit my bad." The shorter said letting go of the older's arm and looking back at the princes. "To answer your question, Jihoon-ssi... I have absolutely no clue..." Seungcheol responded as he stared at the two. "I can ask Minhyun, but he had left for business and won't be back until next month." The two nodded before turning back to leave when Jisoo stumbled a bit.

The shorter held onto his friend, "Are you alright?" Seokmin asked worried as he came up to them. "I-I'm fine..." Jisoo said, giving a small smile before sighing as he walked out the room with Jihoon. "Shua, are you sure you're alright." The older nodded before letting the shorter walk back to the room, while he went outside.

As he went outside, he immediately went to go find the so called portal and see if he could do anything. "Hopefully I can remember how this works." He muttered to himself before touching the portal to remember anything.


(Happened before the war started)

"Enough!" A voice said yelled making the seven boys flinch. "Because of your foolishness, look what happened to the portal!" The queen yelled looking at Jeonghan who was holding onto his stomach. "Y-Your majesty..." He stuttered trying to speak but was shut up by the glare she gave him.

"My son has to spend the rest of his life with you because you are carrying his child!" She exclaimed making the older tremble from fear. "He could've been with a nicer and royal person, but no he has to spend with a peasant!" She huffed letting all her anger out on the boy.

The shortest of the seven scoffed, "Your son decided to be with, so I would watch what you're say...your majesty." Jihoon said making the queen about to raise her hand to slap him. "Mother!" Seungcheol yelled making the woman stop her tracks.

"Don't you dare slap him or insult the love of my life again." He warned her before going to Jeonghan who leaned into his touch. "Insult any of them and I'll have father know you had an affair with someone else." Seungcheol said making the queen huff before walking away in anger.

"Man, I was waiting for her to slap me." Jihoon said making the others laugh at his so called disappointment. "Nope." Seungcheol said making the shorter flip him off before they all turned to hear a sound and people screaming. Before any of them spoke up, a loud breaking sound was being heard. "Move!" The guards yelled to all the "princes" before an explosion was heard.

All the boys moved but looked to make sure they were all together. "Where's Chan!?" Jihoon asked looking around for his brother before seeing a hand underneath all the broken portal. Jihoon ran to him and managed to move everything before seeing his brother slowly fading. "W-What?" He mumbled before watching as his brother faded away.

"He should've moved quickly." A voice from behind him said. "What the hell did you do!?" He yelled looking at the person behind him. "Ah, he's alright, just no longer exists in this world." The guy said making Jihoon blast him with his water power.

But nothing was more powerful then being knocked out...

[End of Flashback]

Jisoo shook his head as he now knew why the portal was the most dangerous place. But he didn't care, he was going to figure things out as he wanted to make sure his best friend was back with his son.


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