Chapter Seven

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No numbers of pretty words strung together by my father could prepare for how utterly boring these reports were, worn generals and soldiers reporting on losses and gains when they would much rather collapse then and there so they may get some sleep. I admit that I myself was falling asleep.

My eyes had started to slip shut slightly as an over proud general was drowning on, much too important to ki- dismiss, but so incredibly boring that the temptation was there, "-and like I mentioned moi Tsar they are entirely undisciplined, a firm hand like mine is all they needed," he repeated.

"Wow should have started with that," I muttered under breath, entirely fed up with him at that point.

I saw my father bring his hand to his mouth to muffle a small chuckle at what I had said but I still heard it and he looked at me from the corner of his eye.

As others carried on I saw a slight glare in the corner of the room, the air around it became hazy and a figure appeared;  Alina, my mother, she was alive.

My father, ever the politician, showed no reaction but I noticed how his eyes darted over then back again in momentary shock, his breath catching and his fingers gripping the arm of his throne. It seemed to take him all of two seconds to comprehend everything and relax, returning to the conversation of his generals.

I however was not so skilled, though he saw this, "Don't react Rena."


"Alive, yes, now look straight ahead, stop staring."

"Did you know?" I asked him quietly.

He took a moment to respond but I knew he was telling the truth, "No," he paused for some seconds, "We'll speak later, I promise."

I had just begun to question his words when he stood up causing the room to fall silent, "I will take it under advisement," he said.

Somehow this man had been able to listen to what his generals were saying, have a small conversation with me and comprehended the arrival of my mother all at once.

"Now leave me," he waved. His generals and advisers all bowed and left the room exchanging a few words as the passed each other, "All of you," his Oprichniki and personal Corporalik filled out of the room.

I though, remained where I was, no chance was I missing out on talking to her, everyone had thought she was dead crushed or brutally injured during the battle at the church, but here she was, standing tall and relatively healthy minus being malnourished and the deep bags under her eyes.

He looked back down at me, "Everyone."

"But father-"

"We'll speak later," he said in a dismissive tone, I knew it wasn't worth it to fight him, it would only come to the same result with more damage to each other.

I made my way down the dias, slowing as I came horizontal to my mother, I gave her a weak smile and exited the doors, my father closing them after me.


My reasoning for staying at the doors was simple, my father had told me to leave the room, he said nothing about being outside it.

I pressed my ear to the split between the two doors and strained to listen, unfortunately they weren't talking about anything of use at that time, only me.

"You have my daughter," I heard my mother say.

"Our daughter has decided to stay with me, if that is what you mean," my father responded.

I appreciated how he referred to me as 'our daughter' he at least had come to terms with the fact that I was not one but both their child.

"Oh spare me the corrections we both know she had little to no choice in the matter."

"And if she did do you still think she'd go crawling around Ravka in search for you?"

"Who says I'm in Ravka?"

"You never were a good liar my Alina, you always-"

He cut off suddenly and by the time I knew what was happening it was too late. I heard footsteps come towards the doors and I fell in on top of my fathers feet when he opened them.

"I want to say I'm surprised but I suppose I should be a bit more specific next time," he grunted.

I got to my feet, "Please father, I just want to know if she's alright."

"No Rena, this discussion is over," he looked down the hallway and saw one of his Oprichniki. An annoying thing about my father and the secret to how he retains such loyal company, he remembers things about people, their names, little things about themselves that they had told him, anything. "You, Mikhail," he called.

"Yes moi soverenyi?" Mikhail asked as he came to a stop in front of me.

I knew Mikhail, he was two years my senior and one of the younger but more talented Oprichniki, he had short curly brown hair and eyes green like an emerald, he was also unfortunately, unwaveringly loyal.

"Your being promoted," my father told him, "To my daughters guard."

"Sounds like a demotion to me," I muttered. My fathers eyes bore into me, "You said I wouldn't have to have a guard on palace grounds." He didn't respond.

Mikhail stood up straighter, "Thank you sir, I won't let you down."

My father nodded, "Please escort her back to the little palace and her lessons, make sure she doesn't leave your sight or go anywhere one would not want to be."

Mikhail bowed silently while I just stared at my father, "Really?"

He gave me a small smirk, "Have fun," before he closed the doors to return to my mother.


A/N; Right hello there,
Sorry I've been gone so long, so much has been happening and I've had horrible writers block I just had to take a break, so sorry if I haven't been responding to you guys I've just been off of Wattpad for quite some time,
Hope you're al doing well and that you enjoy this chapter, also sorry if I don't respond to everyone's comments I'll be responding less from now on as I've been very busy lately, sorry again,

~Sarah (PoshStarfish775)

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