Shinichi POV :

" Ohayo shinichi , how are you ?". Said Nezuko .
I was standing and staring at her, she really looks so beautiful and stunning  it made my heart beat fast then I focused my eyes on her beautiful eyes and then on her lips, it was really.....

" Shinichi ! ,Shinichi! .... " she repeated .

" Ahh Ohayo Nezuko , youu ... look ... so pretty .... ". I blushed ...

" o really ! You look amazing too ." She said also blushing ...

Migi than appears :" shinichi your body is .... " .

I cut if off :" Ah Migi shouldn't you be asleep , go sleep ... ". He was about to make me embarrassed .....

" have you visited all Tokyo ? ". I asked Nezuko while we were walking ....

" not yet , I once go with Yuuko to some places , I really liked that park of Sakura trees , it is so beautiful there !. ".

" yeah I like that place too , Nezuko are you hidding Hidari ?".

" well no I don't , I bring my bracelet in case , ."

" Nezuko you should hide , I will take the watch now ok , we are not supposed to rival the tow of us , one is enough ... no buts ... ".

"   umm .... well as you wish ....thank you Shinichi for caring ... " she smiled making my heart race .

"tow parasites are near!! Be careful , ". We were suprised then we decided following them, we went into a parking inside of a building . It was dark inside and emty .

" shinichi we must be careful , we should finished them here .".

We keep following the location until we found them , eating some people , it was a disgusting sight , I was scared a bit then they sence us and turn

" a parasite and a human ? What an interesting , are you planning eating her here ? That's our feeding area !! 

" wait your brain is intact !!! ".

Then Migi and Hidari start attacking them , they were strong ...

" huh ! You too are parasites !  !! That's impossible ! I will kill you !!

I was standing next to Nezuko and I was a little worried, then she took out a dagger from her bag and gave it to me; "Shinichi, try to stab him, he will get weaker, I will fight the other one. Come on quickly." Come on shinichi you do it once you can right now .

I was trying to stab him while She let hidari turn into a shape full of daggers , then she start fighting him while using another dagger too !! ...

Those tow were hard to fight them ! It take me long time to kill one of them , while Nezuko is still trying to avoid any hits , then hidari finally was able to hurt him then they killed him too ...

I was breathing hard then Nezuko
Sat on  the ground with her hand on her chest,  " Oi Nezuko are you ok !!! Did he hurt you ??? ". I kneel down to her hoolding her shoulders ...

" I am fine ! I am .... just .weak  I need time to . rest  " she said .

Time skip....

We were now sitting at the park of Sakura trees . Nezuko was so tired after that fight , I help her to get up

" thank you shinichi for helping me. " said Nezuko softly ..

" I didn't do anything it's fine ! Are you still tired ? what happened to you there ?".

"" when Hidari morphed take a lot of energy from me , and it make me weak if  it takes  a long time ......  ".

" this is bad ! I hope you are fine now ! These tow are strong , but atleast we kill them .... ".

"They have strong and sophisticated transformation patterns" .

Now we are silence , enjoying each other presence , I was looking at her , she is such a beautiful . I like her more than before ,  I just feel butterflies in my stomach , now  I  don't like when other guys looking at her ! I felt a little bit jealous ... I want to be the only one who can do that !! . I wonder if she felt the same about me ...

" it's beautiful here isn't " she said quietly ..

"  Yes, it is, but there is more beautiful than this view. ". Then I realized what I said while she was confused .

".....I mean the Sakura trees ! I really like this place it's beautiful ... ".

I hope she didn't heard me .

" o I see , you are right !. Well I think it's time to go now  . It's going to be late ".

We were walking towards her house.

" you know my parents want to go to a trip , first I refused because  I'm afraid any parasite will attack them, and then Migi told me that if they go to a place where there are few people, the possibility of finding parasites there is less than here, so I agreed in the end.  What do you think ?".

" well I thing Migi is right about the possibilities , but I don't think it's a good idea to have a trip in this time ,
But I hope they enjoy their trip and nothing happen ".

" yeah I hope that too ... ".

" thank you shinichi for taday , I enjoyed my time with you ... " she said blushing .

" you welcome ! Sorry about what happened ! But I am happy that you enjoyed see you tomorrow .. " .

I went to my room and sit in my bed .

" shinichi you like her don't you ?".

" huh ? Liking who ? What are you talking about .".

" shinichi your feelings can't lie to me . I see when you are around her your body act like you want to claim her yet you are controlling your self  ".

" ugh Migi stop saying that , ".

" I've read before about men's behavior about seeing a beautiful girl.  It also happens to you, you also want to have s*ex with her  to satisfy your lust... "

I was blushing :" Oi Migi ! If you say this in front of Nezuko ! I will die from embarrassing ! Don't you ever think to say that ! ".

" Your feelings are complicated . It's hard to understand it ."

" you better not ."

To be continued ...

Hey again I hope you like this chapter too ...

All love to shinichi 😘💖

See you next chapter ...

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