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After one week -

Jin- taehyung taehyung TAEHYUNG !!

TAEHYUNG- *came out from his thought*oh yeah hyung what happened

Jin- what happened to you iam calling you since last 10 minutes hn where you lost hn

Taehyung- oh no no hyung tell me what happened

Jin - hmm the gun production and.......................................
...... So now we have to go there to collect them so me and namjoon are going there and suga is went to handle the robbery and jimin jk are doing there intense workout so they will be busy till night and about jhope he is checking the weopons

Taehyung was nodding listening to his hyung when his next word caught him off guard

Jin - so you are free to meet your lady doctor okay

Taehyung- *nodding but then looked at his hyung with wide eyes* hyung i

Jin- i know you like her and you didn't bring her here due to safety purpose and you missed her well you can go as i tell them to give her whole day to you

Jin- *smiles *we are mafia but it doesn't meant that we can't love anyone well now iam taking leave you can go to her okay

Taehyung- *the thought of meeting her makes his day his eyes get a different spark in his eyes* okay hyung thankyou so much *hugged him*

Jin- *hugged back * it's okay mah brother now i will take my leave

Jin went away and here our taehyung who looks godly handsome even when he woke up from his slumber but still he is getting ready for her , choosing his clothes and thinking if it would suit him or not, he is just behaving like teenagers who is getting ready for his date with her girlfriend

At hospital -

Y/n is looking over her patient's files and reports when a knock sound came

Y/n- come in

A nurse -"enters " mam mr. Kim has came for the check up

Listening to his name, y/n's cheeks got reddened and she starts blushing , in this days she just missed him so much the kiss they share is the reason she is still alive even she don't know why but he just become

Her everything , she loved those days when he was here

She loved it when he kissed her on her cheeks or on chin or when he pulled her closer she just loved everything about him everything means everything even his careless ness she love to take care of him even she don't know how did she fell for him in this short time , well not only our taehyung ,our this cutie also specially get ready for him wearing lipstick of best shade and liner and all just for him

Nurse - mam

Y/n- ahh ohhh yeah send mr. Kim inside

Nurse - okay mam

Tae's pov-

Ahh my baby is making me wait too much aishhh where did that nurse went hn i never wait for anyone but since it's for mah baby iam still waiting and didn't caused any destruction here

Nurse - si-r th-is wa-y plea-se *sacred of him*

Taehyung- hmm let's go

Nurse starts walking and tell him to enter through the gate y/n is waiting for him

Author's pov-

Taehyung got happy and enters inside and here his angels is as same as him desperate to see him

Well let's see this in next part
(Do comment and tell how it is)

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