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Diling, liling, Lilililing, dililing, ding.

Like every morning, Hae-In slowly opened her eyes at the sound of the melodious chime of her alarm clock. She sat up without hurrying and stretched for a long time.
The skylights of her apartment provided an unobstructed view of the city in the dawn — rising with the sun was a habit she had made even before she became a hunter.

In one leap she jumped from her bed and crossed the room to enter the bathroom. Quietly, she brushed her teeth and washed her face.
She was one to take a bath in the evening rather than a shower in the morning ; the bath relaxed her aching muscles at the end of a long day spent fighting monsters in a dungeon.
She brushed her hairs and arranged her locks, before taking clothes from her closet.

It was a peaceful morning as she liked them. Everything that had happened the day before seemed far away, almost unreal.

And yet, she had indeed spent the day at Hunter Sung's house.
« No, she mentally corrected herself, at Jin-Woo's.  »
Once again, she herself couldn't believe the development of their relationship.

A smile formed on her lips as she remembered the conversation they had had the night before while he was driving her home.

« — Is there a problem, Hunter Sung?
— No, quite the opposite. I was thinking that I hadn't seen Jin-Ah looking so radiant in a long time. As annoying as she can be, thank you for befriending my little sister. »

She had guessed that he was referring to the famous incident she had heard about : a dungeon break in Jin-Ah's high school, a real massacre from which her brother had narrowly saved her. That kind of experience tended to leave a deep trauma, especially for a teenager...

« — I really liked getting to know her, she replied, smiling. Jin-Ah is a very nice girl, even if she is a little mischievous.
— Is that so, then it's a relief, had sighed the raven-haired young man. He was silent before resuming in a pensive tone. But it disturbs me. »

She had looked at him without understanding.

« — You're speaking informally with Jin-Ah, but you still call me Hunter Sung.
— A-ah, well... she stammered. I woudn't dare... Hunter Sung is... you are...
— You said we're friends, didn't you ?  He said smiling. So it's Jin-Woo for you.
— When...
— In front of that kind of bizarre statue, remember ?
— Ah... She had blushed at the memory.  Did you hear me?
— Yup. I have better hearing than most people.  »

He flashed her a smile.

« — So call me Jin-Woo, Hae-In. »

It was really true. Hunter Sung, who always seemed so unapproachable, considered her a friend. That thought erased the bitter memory of the day he had refused to take her into his guild.

She wasn't childish enough to resent Yoo Soo-Yun.
« Well, she admitted, I can't deny I was resentful with the SNS selfie thing. »

At first, she had felt violently hurt. But, by following — avidly, she should admit — all the articles and news that directly or indirectly concerned Sung Jin-Woo and his Ah-Jin guild (as well as those on Yoo Soo-Yun, by extension), she noticed that these two had never been seen together again, or even associated with each other : Yoo Soo-Yun kept going about her business as a supermodel, while Sung Jin-Woo had people talk about him starting to solo clear gates at a mind-boggling rate, to the point that other guilds were complaining about the loss of their business.

Hae-In didn't claim to know everything Jin-Woo had in mind. She was aware that the secrets of his, a Nation rank hunter, and even probably the strongest in the world, were completely beyond her — whether it was the mystery of the double dungeon with the giant statues or the protection he had promised to grant to the most powerful hunters in the world.

Solo Leveling : Sung Jin-Woo x Cha Hae-In (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now