The date

813 22 7

AN : This chapter is totally my shameless remake of the copied-pasted original novel.
Well, enjoy !


Three days had passed since the portals disappeared.

Jin-Woo, who usually was busy exploring gates all day, had spent the past few days at home, completely idle.

Lying on his bed, he had fun spinning [Kamish's Wrath] above his head.
Yep, he was currently using [Ruler's Authority] like a student would twirl a pen between his fingers, just to relieve his boredom.

But the calm never lasts long; in this case, his little sister who was heading for the bathroom changed direction and opened his door with a jerk. Instantly Jin-Woo put his daggers away in the inventory to pretend like nothing had happened.

— Jin-Woo, Jin-Ah blurted, you were playing with your knife again, weren't you?

Technically, he was refining his control over the [Ruler's Authority] skill, but still...
For his little sister, it was nothing more than a dangerous pastime.

— No, Jin-Woo denied brazenly, having hidden all the evidence.

Jin-Ah narrowed her eyes. Oh, she was far from convinced, but there was nothing she could do about it. If her brother, the best S-rank hunter in the world, decided to hide something, how could she, a mere ordinary humain without powers, find out?

She stared at him suspiciously for a long moment, before letting out a groan.

— Jin Woo?

— Yeah ?

— If you're that bored, why don't you go out for a bit? she suggested. I mean, it's been a reeeally long time since you've been locked up at home like this, right?

Now his little sister was talking to him like his mother. Jin-Woo smiled and closed his eyes lazily, as if he wanted to fall asleep.

— It's not like I have anywhere to go, you know.

— 'Is there absolutely no one you would want to see? she asked, incredulous. Like, friends?

At these words, he opened his eyes. Friends, she said. He let that word echo through him, as many faces flashed through his mind. Only one, however, left him with a vivid image.

Since all the hunters were currently on enforced rest, her situation couldn't be much different from his right now.

« Besides, he remembered, I had promised myself to invite her to dinner to make amends for my... indelicacy. »
That famous day when he had inadvertently seen her in her bath using [Sensorial Perception] with the soldier he had assigned to her shadow.

Normally, they would both be far too busy to see each other, but the current situation was different. Who knows ? Maybe she was also twirling a sword or something to get out of this insurmountable boredom they were all in.
It was the perfect opportunity to redeem this debt that weighed on his conscience.

— Well thought out, sis, he said suddenly.

Leaping up from his bed, Jin-Woo surprised his sister who took several steps back.

— Eh ? What are you doing ?

— Excuse me, Jin-Ah.

He cleverly slipped behind her to go to the bathroom.

Jin-Ah, standing in the doorway, crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. His brother's expression was more than suspicious.

— Where are you planning to go? She called to him as he entered the bathroom.

Solo Leveling : Sung Jin-Woo x Cha Hae-In (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now