Tonight {Mikey}

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"You know,"


"I've…been thinking."


Mikey smiled, leaning over the countertops before resting his head in his palms. 

"I could really get away from here. Any time, anywhere."

His smile grew, pointing at you. 

"And you, you'd come with me." 

You returned his smile, 'booping' his nose and chuckled when he scrunched it. 

"And how am I supposed to come with you? We're both broke, and last I checked, your car was in the shop." 

"Ah, but that's where you're wrong. I picked it up in the morning-" he pulled out his keys, twirling them around his finger before they fell off and slid across the counter- "As for the savings, we'll figure it out as we go. It's not like we're dead broke, and don't you have that emergency savings account?"

"Mikey, that's for emergencies, hence why it's called  emergency savings. I can't just use that for a small vaca-"

He pressed a finger to your lips.

"Who said it was a small vacation? Just come on Y/n. Let's pack up and leave to night."



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2022 ⏰

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