Armortentia and two first dates

Start from the beginning

15 minutes later, Harry and Jean were panting up the hill to Madam Puddifoots teashop. ,,I think I can see them", Jean breathed, her heart beating even faster now. Harry fell behind a little, but Jean was to focused on Jacob to notice. She walked up to him excitedly and greeted him: ,,Hey, sorry I'm late." Jacob smiled at her, before he replied: ,,No worries, I arrived just a minute ago. Those are for you." He held a bundle of Lilies in his hand and gave them to Jean. ,,That's so sweet of you, you know I love them", she replied, sniffing the flowers. ,,Shall we go in then?", Jacob asked softly, holding out his arm for Jean. Laughing she seized it and nodded.

The two of them entered the teashop and found a table in a quiet corner by the window. Jean noticed Harry and Cho sitting a few tables away from them. The both of them looked very awkward, compared to her and Jacob.

,,So, how has your day been?", Jean asked Jacob, focusing on him entirely again. He grinned, before he admitted: ,,To be honest, I was so nervous all day long. Y'know, I've had feelings for you for some time now, but I never said anything." This confession gave Jean butterflies in her stomach. ,,Hey, me too. That's why I broke up with Fred. I felt myself developing feelings for you", she confessed. Jacob looked down, seeming to be flattered. They looked at each other in silence for a few minutes, but it wasn't awkward silence. Jean tried reading his mind once again but she just couldn't enter his head. It was like something blocked her from doing so. ,,You've got beautiful eyes. Warm and welcoming but also fierce and full of energy", Jacob suddenly smiled. Jean was feeling a bit overwhelmed and looked down, while smiling. ,,Thank you, yours are too. Like, they have this effect of fire in deep water", she answered timidly. Jacob smirked. Jean suddenly remembered where she'd seen those eyes before. Once, in the daily prophet there was a photograph of an auror retiring. Her name was Porpentina Scamander and her eyes seemed to be the exact same as Jacobs. ,,You've got your Grandmother's eyes but in green", Jean blurted out, completely random to him. Jacob looked quite confused but also flattered. ,,You know who my grandmother is?", he asked amusedly. ,,Yea, I've seen a photograph of her in the prophet. She's my role model, you know. I want to be an auror when I'm done with school", she explained. Jacob grinned even more and changed the topic rapidly: ,,You know you look really beautiful when you're talking about something you find interesting. Your whole face lights up and you smile more." He put his head in his hand, still smiling at her. The butterflies in Jean's stomach were doing entire flips now. She never felt so connected with someone as she did with Jacob. Smiling at him, she mirrored his pose. ,,You know you look extremely handsome when you're around the creatures. Full of life and just without any worries. I love that, it's something I wish I could have, an empty mind, to just forget about all my worries", Jean mumbled. Jacob seemed taken aback by her statement. Then he smirked and held out his hand. ,,Let me show you then", he muttered. Jean looked sceptically at his hand but then she smiled. ,,Fine, I trust you", she answered. He got up very quickly and pulled her along. She just managed to grab her jacket and glanced at Harry and Cho one last time. Cho was crying and Harry merely sat there awkwardly, apparently not knowing what to do. Then Jean looked back at Jacob. He held her hand gently guiding her out of the teashop.

Together they strolled along the main trail of hogsmeade. It was November, the air was very cold and there was even a bit of fluffy snow on the ground. To this time there wasn't a lot going on, since most of the Hogwarts students decided to spend their time in one of the shops.

,,Are you cold?", Jacob asked softly, still holding Jeans Hand. ,,No, are you?", she replied, still pulling her scarf tighter around her neck. ,,No, me neither. Its quite beautiful, the snowy trees and everything", he mumbled while he looked around. Jean took a deep breath before she answered: ,,Yea, it is. Look, there are even a few Christmas decorations there, even though it's only November." They stopped under a lantern to admire the beautiful view they now had. Without even noticing, they had reached the end of the trail and stood not far from the shrieking shack. Jean looked up at the lantern they were standing under and noticed something. ,,Mistletoe" , she muttered, a slight smile on her face. Jacob looked up as well and then at her. Timidly, he leaned forward and put his hand on the side of Jean's face. Then finally, their lips touched. Jean put her arms around Jacobs neck. She felt like fireworks were exploding inside of her and like she had found her person.

They broke apart and Jacob looked at Jean stunned. She let out a soft laugh. ,,Finally huh", she said, still smiling uncontrollably. He nodded and hugged her tightly, lifting her off her feet. Then he spun her around, before putting her down again. Jean nuzzled close to him and he put his arm around her.

,,Jean?", he asked after a bit of silence. ,,Hmm", she answered. ,,Are you my girlfriend?", he asked, trying to hide his little smile. Jean looked up at him and replied: ,,If you want me to be. Are you my boyfriend?" Jacob grinned before he answered: ,,I'd love that, both of that." She blushed and smiled. He pressed a kiss to her head and they stood there, watching the castle.

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