Chapter 1 when two worlds collide

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*sigh* I should be doing something else other than writing chapter 1 well you live you learn.

Hello reader it is I Drago with a third book, now how am I going to update them I don't know but what I do know is that I should stop neglecting some books. Well enough from me at the end there's some more notes as well as a meme now let's start the chapter.

Note it may be a long chapter just warning you guys and also all sirens are female keep that in mind.

POV: third person location: Boreas system

"Incoming!" someone shouted before a pink laser beam ripped through the command tower killing everyone and triggering a chain reaction that blew up the entire the ship.

In front of the fleet were two siren fleets. The human fleet had been tasked to protect eight transport ships carrying a ton of wisdom cubes for the front line. They thought it would've been easy since siren activities had decreased dramatically ever since kansens were added to the mix, but now they faced the horror that are sirens.

On board flagship vessel

"sir we've lost contact with archerfish, Artemis is heavily wounded requesting assistance, what do we do captain!" the communication officer spun his chair to the captain who looked at the battle with a grim face. So far they've lost 5 ships to sirens 2 and right now even more ships are on the brink of being destroyed.

The sound of laser beams striking the armour of the ship could be heard, as everybody waited anxiously for what the captain would have to say.

"We have to make sacrifices" the captain said in a low voice that everyone can hear "without sacrifice we can never win a war. We have to sacrifice two of the transport ships"

"But captain" the XO said "we've got strict orders to make the trip with all transport ships intact, we can't go against high command"

"Look at the situation we have here" he said pointing out the window " most ships are damaged and are on the verge of exploding, if we try to protect them all, we will all die including those transport ships, but I don't want that to happen. I value the lives of my crew over the goods we're carrying. Weapons officer, you know how explosive wisdom cubes can be once they blow up, right." the tactical officer nodded his head " we'll sacrifice two transports and blow them up thus giving us a chance to escape with the remaining ships and make it back to safe space. Do any of you disagree"

The crew remained silent as they each went through what the captain said and in the end no one objected even the XO.

"Communications officer relay what I've just said to th--" the captain was cut short when the comms officer said that he had already done it.

Note ~~ means it is a radio conversation.

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