• Chapter 17 • Hide and seek •

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-Give me a second.

And not even a second later, Maia was already there with those warewolfs. Arms crossed and a fierce stare decorating her face.

-Hey! Stop that. Now! This is not a circus.

By her firm voice tone and the look in her eyes, Harry could easily notice that she was a warewolf as well, and most importantly, the alpha. Those warewolfs obeyed without hesitation, lowering their heads.
Maybe that issue would take her sometime, so Harry grabbed his tea with the intention of going to a table and wait there for her.
However, he accidentally bumped into a pair of warlocks, one of them red-skinned with yellow eyes and the other one having tentacles instead of hands.

-Be careful, boy. -The one with yellow eyes frowned, terrifying and sharp teeth showing.

-I'm sorry, I...

Harry, clearly guilty, tried to apologize, but the warlock with tentacles, took his tea cup and threw it against the wall.
The green liquid stained it as the thousand pieces of the cup fell to the floor as snowflakes.

-Next time... -And one of the tentacles took Harry by his shirt. The smell of alcohol pretty obvious and the half warlock, found it difficult to stay calm. The dark side of the Downworld wasn't that pleasant. -You...

-Enough, my octopus friend.

That voice wasn't hard to recognize, as soon as Harry saw him, his eyes shone and his lips curves into a smile.
Luckily, drunk warlocks were pretty common in that place, so Jace just took Harry's wrist and dragged him away of them without effort.
Both warlock's yelled something hard to understand and that they would probably forget soon.

-Jace! -The boy, still smiling, looked at his saviour, full of admiration. -I'm so glad that you're here, I don't know what happened, I...

-Slow down. -Jace stopped holding his wrist and sighed. -What were you thinking about? This place is not the best one for making friends. -Deep inside, the blond one knew it was useless to say something like that to someone so fond on people.

-And why are you here? -Curious, Harry tilted his head. Every fear vanished just by having his friend there.

-I usually come. -Simply said the Shadowhunter. For eerie that it might sound, he also enjoyed a good meal outside the Institute.

Their conversation didn't last much, since Maia approached them once again.

-Jace, hi. This must be the day of unexpected visits. -Maia placed her hands on her hips, grinned.

-Seems like that. -Jace patted her arm and then, sat on a stool, Harry did the same, next to him. The blond one had the terrifying feeling that the half Shadowhunter would never leave his side. -How's the wolvie life going?

-Not bad, but those dogs piss me off sometimes. -She chuckled, painting with her head at some warewolfs. -Is Luke doing alright? I haven't heard from him in a while.

-He is, he adapted well. -Jane's golden eyes were focused on the meny, before watching Harry. -Hungry? Come on, choose something, I feel generous. 

Harry's eyes gleamed and with a bright smile, he approached Jace to look at the menu as well. He loved food, he couldn't reject the offer. Even the smallest way of showing affection meant the world to him.
Jace had to admit that he was too fond on that boy.

-Oh, and you're not going to invite me? -Maia raised her eyebrows.

-I don't feel that generous.

Both shared mischievous smiles. Even if the rest thought that Jace hated everyone, Harry could see in him a kind boy and a good soul that cared more than he showed.

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