"Look, it's training. Cute," Draal said in a mocking tone before growling at Jim.

The two trolls continue through the room, sharing a laugh before Draal speaks in Trollish to the other. For a brief second, Raelle could have sworn that she understood what Draal was saying.

"Let your fear keep you alive. Let his arrogance lead him astray. Defeat him, and you'll make history," Blinky said before he led Jim and Raelle out of the arena with Aaarrrgghh and Toby close behind.

The next day, a group of students, including Jim, Raelle, and Toby, stand on the museum steps. Ms. Nomuroa, a curator, stands in front of them with Mr. Strickler beside her. Nomura is a tall woman of Japanese descent. She has green eyes and shoulder-length black hair. She wears a purple jacket, ankle-length skirt, and black high-heel boots.

"I know contemporary media might lead you to believe European history is full of swords, sorcery, and scandal," She said, "I assure you, the truth is far more interesting, and there's no better place to start than Renaissance Era pottery."

Everyone sighed with boredom while Eli gasped in wonder. Strickler hadn't missed the faces of his students, so he decided to speak up.

"Since we have limited time, Ms. Nomura," Strickler said, "Perhaps it's best if they explore the museum on their own. Don't you think?"

With no hesitation, the class runs off in different directions. Everyone leaves the two adults, invading the museum. The group walked through the halls, Jim, Raelle, and Toby following behind.

"So, check this out, guys," Toby said, showing his phone to Jim and Raelle, "So, If I walk fifty thousand steps, I get the t-shirt. A hundred thousand nets me the water bottle. But if I get five hundred thousand, oh, man, you guys, that's when things get interesting!"

Jim's eyes peeled from the detail that the museum had large white curtains and a "do not enter" sign posted on the outside. Raelle could not help but feel there was something strange in the room but tried her best to ignore the feeling. Toby was giving the two an ear full while they explored the second floor of the museum.

Suddenly, Jim's focus wasn't on his best friend or the building. Instead, his focus was on Claire, who took an interest in the dress, while Steve stood beside her, more bored. Toby and Raelle stop beside him. While it took Toby a moment to connect the dots on why they suddenly paused, Raelle knew why.

"Look at that embroidery," Claire commented.

"Hey," Steve said, getting Clarie's attention, "Sorry if you got caught up in that little tiff between Lake and I, but I want you to know since joining the play, I feel like there's another side of me that wants to come out."

"Apology accepted. You were a jerk," Claire said, keeping her eyes on the dress.

With a pleasant feeling, Steve raised his eyebrow, stepping behind Claire as he kept eye contact with Jim. Steve faces Claire as she doesn't notice, his arms wrapped around himself, moaning and kissing with mockery. With defeat, Jim sighs and bends over the railing.

"Aw, come on, man," Toby said, "Don't let Steve get to you."

"Toby's right, Jim. Besides, Claire's a smart girl. She'll realize he's a jerk," Raelle told her brother.

"How?" Jim said, "She's too busy thinking I'm a jerk for skipping play rehearsal."

"Well, then, this is the perfect moment, dude. Take her hand and use those lips of yours and talk to her," Toby walked away toward Claire and Steve.

"Toby, no, no! Wait, wait!" Jim called to his friend, trying to stop him, but failed. Jim looked at his sister, "Why didn't you stop him?"

"Because he seems to be the only one other than me trying to help increase your chances of getting together with Clarie," Raelle told him.

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