"That's right ....because he is practicing basketball with Nezuko right now that's why " .Said Yuuko .

" Nani !! What are you talking about Yuuko ??"Both Akiho and Murano yelled surprised.

"like I am telling you , in the morning Shinichi asked Nezuko if she could practice with him and she accepted, not only that , it's not the first time , I think they are  getting more closer! Even if shinichi deny it".

Murano pouted and felt jealous hearing that ,

Akiho said :" what , that's impossible , let's go the Sport hall to see ! ".

The three of them went there ...

Once  they entered they found Nezuko and Shinichi playing , Shinichi was trying to take the ball from her ,while she was hitting it on the ground and passing it from hand to hand then he jump into her but He falls

"Nezuko you are really ingenious dribbling ! This is the third time and I can't take it from you !. ".

" it's not that hard , you need to focus before jumping , plus you need to be more faster" She said softly .

The three of them keep watching the movements of the two ! Murano  frowned...., she didn't like that at all , then she leave quickly the hall then Akiho and Yuuko follow her .

" I told you guys I didn't like Her when she came here ! Now she made Murano sad , Yuuko it's your fault !"

"huh what ? What did I did ? It's not my fault ! I just get to know her and be her friend that's all ! "

" no . It was you from the beginning , if you didn't ...... " she was cut off by Murano .

" Akiho stop , don't blame anyone ! Plus it's a misunderstanding . They are only practicing nothing more ".

" no Murano , they will become closer then what about your crush ?".

"Akiho stop being annoying . Murano it's alright come on let's go home .". Then they left.....

Nezuko POV :

When that parasite asked me about training with him , I wasn't sure about it , but I had an idea of study him more and to see his reactions.

we were now playing . I was hard on him this time. We were running then when he tried to take the ball I intentionally hit him with my elbow in the face, then he fell to the ground ,

I did that in a purpose ,because when you beat a parasite they will  morphed and kill you ....

But he didn't do that ....

He was in pain ! Covering his face ! Wait is he going to stay like that ? Without doing anything ?, isn't he going to hurt me back ? My eyes wide and I was just standing looking at him . Why ? Is he in real pain ? .

Then I knelt down to his level asking with a caring tune :" um  ! Are you ok ? I am sorry about that I didn't mean it ! "

he got up :" ugh , no it's alright I will be fine don't worry , but it was a hard one ! ". He was smiling

You must be kidding me ! ....

"I am really sorry if I cause you pain". I said again still confused .

" like I told you don't worry , I am fine ok , those accidents happened a lot , let's rest .".

Shinichi POV :

After I got hit accidentally by Nezuko , we were sitting down , she was looking at me not saying a word , looking deep into my eyes ! I blushed quickly and I didn't know what to say.

"ugh Nezuko so what do you think about me ?". I said suddenly

.She looked confused then I correct my self :" I mean about my practice today ? "

"you are ... strong .... ... but you don't act fast that's your problem , you have to act faster then the opponent .... or you will lose many opportunities".

I smiled a bit :" yeah ... you are right ... you are really faster then me , yet you are also strong , you know you are a cute , I never thought you are skilled . Not only in basketball .... but with ... fights as well... it's something good you know !"

" I had too, I used to meet a lot of Bullies and harassers .... so I have to get rid of them . They are hurting people around . So don't you think it's a good idea to just finished them ?". She sad calmly ..... yet I feel like more threatening in her tune , what's wrong with her ! She can be scary sometimes. !

I said nervously :" ahh yeah you are right , they need to be stoped . For me I don't like hurting them so much , I just try not to be around them .... but for you , I can see that you hurt them so much so they won't do it again. ".

" you are right, ". She smiled then .

" well it's time to leave you know , thank you so much for enjoying with me ! I really like practicing .... with you ....and thank you for your advices I will try to be more faster !."

" it's my pleasure , plus I am sorry again about your face !. I hope it's not hurting you ." She looked down.

" nah it's alright it's nothing you know . I hope we practice next time ok !. Goodbye see you tomorrow !". Then she waived and left .

After that I went home .... thinking about her , she is not like other girls , she is different , sometimes she become scary even if she smiled . What a mysterious girl.

To be continued ...

Hey guys again , I hope you like this chapter as well .
My friend says that I write a lot of details that made the chapters longer ? It is ok for you ? Because I like details it make it more real ! What do you think ?? I hope it's not boring ...

All love to shinichi 😘💖

See you next chapter ....

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