Chapter 8. Controversy

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Megan's POV

Things have really taken a twisted turn here in Spain. Antonio has really been trying to be closer to me but at the same time I hear him talking to his girlfriend all the time on the phone. He cuddles with me every single day not that I am complaining. I am even starting to feel some type of way whenever we cuddle.

He tries all the time to be doing activities with me and I have told him he doesn't have to keep on pretending by being with me all the time. I know I am getting paid to do this but I am kind of feeling otherwise about the whole issue. For me to call it quits it's kind of difficult also because I am already in the mess. Yesterday I called Mitch and told her I am getting married to Antonio and she seemed skeptical about the whole issue. She  knows I don't like Antonio but now I am saying I am marrying him she just wasn't buying it. She just agreed to come to the wedding but not because she loved the idea. "I am doing the right thing," was the answer I gave her when she has asked me if I loved him which gave her more reason to judge the whole issue.

I can't say I blame her, I would have freaked out if it were me in her shoes. The whole situation just look weird altogether to someone who knows our relationship closely. It's one thing to get married, it's another thing getting married to your mean, arrogant boss.

I had excused myself from Antonio's mother saying I wanted to rest and sleep since we had come late home from her ladies group where she wanted to introduce me as Antonio's fiancé and his soon to be bride. The ladies were quite lovely and accepting. Didn't feel any bad blood there.

I heard the door open and Antonio speaking on the phone. He closed the door silently and went straight to the patio. He forgot to close the glass door and I could hear him. "I told you I went home to Spain. You didn't tell me you are coming back to Italy. I think the last time I talked to you, you clearly said you renewed your contract to one year and you won't be coming back. So how the fuck was I supposed to know you were going to come back to Italy." He sounded pissed off from the conversation he was having. I could only hear his side of the conversation and I wished I knew what the person on the other line was saying.

"I came for important business here, I am not going to just leave that to come see you Hannah." He said and I heard him cut the call with "Goodbye and Goodnight." I heard him sigh and took some deep breaths before he turned to come back inside the house. I wanted to say something to him but I decided against it. I don't know why I am feeling jealous when I hear him talking to Hannah. I am just a contract girl, there is nothing special about me. That thought alone devalued me and I felt belittled worse now that I think of the day I had sex with him. How could something that felt so right feel so wrong at the same time. I could swear I felt connected to him and I feel stupid for not feeling an ounce of regret in me.

"Hey! Have you slept off already? Can we talk?" Antonio said as he shook me lightly to wake me up. "I was asleep but you chose to wake me up. What is it?" I said but I was kind of bored, I didn't even want to talk to him. I sat up and rested my body In the headboard. He looked kind of lost in thoughts, a bit as if he was unsure of whatever he wanted to say." You woke me up to talk but here you are still quiet and looking everywhere else but me. What's going on?" I said it but even from the tone of my voice he could here I was browned off by the whole issue.

"Mind your tone Megan please. I am thinking of a better way to say what I want to say okay." he was also sounding cheesed off but I could care less. "I want to go back to Italy for a couple of days. I want to go and..." I cut him off before he finished his sentence. Of course knew what he was going back to Italy for, so why would he care If I just end this disaster before we delve in too deep into it.

"It's okay Antonio, you don't owe me an explanation but I actually want to tell you something and before I even start I want to say I am sorry for disappointing you." I said and he looked shocked by what I was saying. "Disappoint me, how? Sorry for what? What's going on Megan?" When he asked the last question it was as if he had just put 2 and 2 together.

"I mean, I want out. I want to get out of this deal or contract or whatever we call this here between us. I thought I could do it but I can't. I know you trusted me but I am sorry. You have someone out there for you and there is someone out there also willing to go through this with you but not me. I know why you want to go back to Italy and I wish you all the best. Give her this, I think she deserves it more than me. I don't need it." I removed his engagement ring on my finger and gave it to him." Goodnight Antonio." I took the blanket and covered my head when I saw he wanted to say something and it didn't even work because he quickly yanked the blanket off of me.

"No Megan you can't do this to me. Not today especially not now. Megan what has come over you. You know you are my bride and I only want you. Why are you doing this?" I could hear his tone of voice defeated. I have never had that defenceless voice coming from him before and it crushed me, it killed my soul deep down. My inner voice told me to reconsider but there was no going back.

"I am sad about this but I have got to be strong to  depart from you and leave you behind. I can't waste time, let time elapse and move with me unproductive. I have realized that nothing is broken inside me. I have got to let my spirit leave free too you know, I admit that I am wrong to want to move on. This is a game to you and I don't want to get attached in a game, thus, I don't want to play this game anymore because I know I will get hurt very soon. I get attached too quickly. So this is me Antonio admitting that I was wrong. Please Antonio let me go. You said your girlfriend was not available when you gave me the contract now she is back. Don't look back at this new better direction," I said as I sniffed a bit, "I promise I won't talk about you or about the contract and you I know you will never talk about me or even remember me." I didn't realize how much it was hurting me to leave Antonio. I didn't even realize tears were running down my face till I felt his fingers wiping them.

He took me in his arms and I could tell he wholeheartedly embraced me in his arms." It's okay Megan, I understand. We will go back to Italy tomorrow morning. Don't cry anymore, I did not realize the burden you have been caring this whole time. I can do it Megan, I can let you go. You can sleep now. Will talk tomorrow." He said gently and rocking me sideways in his muscular arms.

We got in bed and for the first time I really needed a cuddle. I thought he was going to blow the roof off when I said I want to pull out of the contract. I am glad he was calm about the whole issue. Maybe it was weighing too much also on him that he also could not wait to get out of it but I am happy I am free. I don't know what I am going to do next when I get back to Italy. I know won't be working for Antonio anymore. I have to get my CVs ready and go job hunting at least put my degree to good use for the first time. I know it will all work out for the best.

Antonio's POV

Megan calling it quits on the contract was one the things I would say hurt me the most. My soul was crushed but I could not have done anything to keep her or make her stay. As the days went on I had realized I liked her more than I assumed. I enjoyed everything about her, I wanted to always be around her. I feel that we have a deeper connection and we have a strong bond. I know it's only me who feels the connection, I had thought she felt it too. There is a lot of things I love about her and she is flawless and every single way.

At the same time Hannah is back in Italy and I want to go see her. I had some connection with her but the connection I have with Megan is way stronger than I have with anyone. I think I should call it quits with her so that I can focus on someone else. I will give her time but I know I will come back and claim her, I will claim what's rightfully mine. My mom was totally devastated when I told her we are no longer getting married. My dad was disappointed and he just said he trusted us to make the right decisions.

I was even more shocked when we got to Italy and she said she was quitting the job. I needed to clean my mess and throw all the garbage out of my life if I wanted to consider having Megan in my life. The short time I spent with her and knowing her I saw all the qualities that I want the mother of my future kids to have. She is the perfect person I would want as a wife. She might have started off as my wrong bride but she is definitely the correct bride for me.

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