Chapter 9. Sudden Twist Of Fate

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Antonio's POV

5 months later

It has been 5 months since I got back from Italy and I can say it has been quite hard for me. I tried to work things out with Hannah but we ended up breaking up. It wasn't worth it at all. I couldn't get over Megan. One time I called her Megan when we were having sex. The whole relationship was a wrong ordeal altogether.

I went to look for Megan after I broke things off with Hannah but I couldn't find her at her place. I even went to look for her sister at her school but I couldn't find her and the school also said they don't give information about their students to strangers or none family members. I have even sent my goons out to look for her but they haven't come out with anything yet. I just miss her and I want to be with her. I used to think Hannah was the one for me but she wasn't, I even wanted to propose her when I got back but I chose against it. She wasn't the one for me but the maid I had lived with for a couple or years, the one I wanted to use to put up a front and the one who rejected me and went away from me is the one I want. She is the one for me and I am not going to rest till I find her.

She is the only missing part that my life needs to be complete. After my 35th birthday 2 months ago I told my dad that he can give whoever he wants his inheritance because the one I love left me and I can't get married to anyone else. It was quite a surprise to him since he knew I would never let him give away his empire. It was hard for me to make that decision but how could I not. I couldn't even keep Megan here with me, I let her go so easy without fighting for her even when I knew she was the one my heart had chosen.

I heard my phone ring a text message notification and it was Mancho one of my goons I had sent on a search spree for Megan. I saw it was a picture message and when I was about to open the message he sent he called,

M📲: Boss did you see the pictures I sent you?

A📱: I was about to when you called, what's it about.

M📲: Boss I found her. She's here in Venice.

A📱: What? I am getting on the jet with immediate effect I will see you there?

M📲: But boss she looks different. You might not like this?

A📱:Okay, you'll explain to me when I get there. I'll be there in a couple of hours.

I cut the phone and called the pilot to prepare the jet before I left my office. I didn't even think of going home. I just went straight the airport. I later viewed the picture which Mancho sent me and it was Megan but she looked a bit different. She had cut her hair short and dyed it black. She was driving but I could tell she had gained a little weight. The other pictures she was sitting at a coffee shop with another guy in front of her. She looked like she was enjoying his company a lot. I clenched my fist and gnashed my teeth, I swear if I was anywhere near that guy I would have punched the teeth out of his mouth. I couldn't even view the rest of them. I was already fuming.

When we got off the jet Mancho was already waiting for me. We greeted each other. "Do you have her address?" That's all I could ask when we where getting in the car as we drove off from the airport. "Yes boss, I will take you there whenever you are ready." He said as he kept his eyes glued on the road. "I want to go there now. I want to see her as soon as possible." I said and he could tell I was trying really hard to control my temper and he swallowed a bit hard. He knew talking to me about anything at this point would be useless since I was angry. "Okay, in 10 minutes time we will be there. Just relax a bit." he said and I just looked at him without saying anything.

The whole 10 minutes to wherever we where going I was deep in thoughts  because I was thinking if Mancho meant she has a boyfriend when he said might I not like this. I didn't want to ask him because already I was going to face whatever he meant in a few minutes. It started raining and by the time we reached her place it was raining cats and dogs. It was also a bit cold and I knew very well there was not a fucking umbrella in the car. I saw Mancho look at me when a thunder roared after he had told me we had arrived.

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