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"Send the offer to me. I'll look over it and make any adjustments I see fit." Get out of here before I rail you on this desk, "I look forward to further discuss with you."

"Done." He nods at my computer, an email popping up. It's from his personal email.

"How in the-"

"I expect an answer by end of day, if I don't receive one, or an answer I don't like, expect me to handle this offer much differently." His voice becomes deeper, I force myself to keep from shivering.

"Is that a threat Mr. Night?"

"Love, call me Darius." He chuckles to himself, "And it's a promise. I'll carry that tight ass over my shoulders back to my office before I let you tell me no. Make whatever demands you have, I'll see to it that they are met."

"You drive a hard bargain, Mr. Night." I run my tongue over my bottom lip, his eyes follow.

"You are very special to me, Ms. Hunter. One of the few things in the world that I refuse to loose." He stands, I follow. Our heights obviously different. My head barely reaches the middle of his chest while I'm wearing heels.

"You've just met me."

"And I intend to keep you."

Darius leaves quickly. The breath I was holding releases, my chest filling with air as soon as it left. Rachel busts into the office with a face as red as a cherry tomato, "Did you see him?"

"How could I not? Holy fuck, he was like sex on legs. I could barely keep myself together while we spoke."

"Well are you going to take it?" Her eavesdropping skills are quite impressive, she seems to know all the things before one could ever think to tell her.

"The job offer? I have no idea. However, it doesn't seem like I have much of a choice." I mumble. The email sits open on my computer, the large numbers glaring at me.

"You two would be such a fucking power couple you know that? God, you hanging off his arm would be almost too much to handle." She waves her face with her hand, "I'd have to flip a coin on who I'd go for."

"You are so weird." I mumble moving to plop back in my chair. The meeting I was supposed to be in started not long ago, however I am in no place to join. Rachel runs over to look at the email over my shoulder.

"Do you see those numbers? And only a three day work week? Salary? Fuck girl! I take it and fuck the boss as thanks."

"A what?" I take a look at the email contents the bullets laid out easy for me to understand.

Double pay, half a million sign on bonus, benefits, three day work week, paid meals, complimentary housing...

"He sounds more like a sugar daddy than a boss." She whispers clicking on the agreement attached to the end, "He even requested you both have business dinners once a week. Talk about weird."

"But double my salary? At twenty five? Three days a week? Jeff couldn't come close to that!" I nibble on my lip trying to convince myself to back down from this, not let the sexy man that entered this office to win me over.

"Honey, listen up and listen good. This is a once and a lifetime thing, once he walks away I doubt he'll ever come back. You can stop fucking Jeff for that Thai food you hate and finally live!"

"I do hate that Thai food."

"Then sign! Worst come to worst, offer me up for the marketing position. Pull a you. Then we can call ourselves even." She laughs opening up the signing website, "I mean what's the worst that can go wrong? You fall in love with Darius Night one of the richest, most attractive men in the city?"

"Falling in love isn't my thing, you know that." I want to die at the thought of loving anyone. It just isn't my style, nothing that I have against it, but begging a man to care for me... I just can't see it.

"Well it could be for the right man. What are you going to do when you want kids or something?"

"Adoption. Easy." I hover over the sign line. I hadn't told Jeff a thing, but why bother? What's he going to do? Give me half ass head? Now that I've laid my eyes on Darius I can't see myself being with any other man. Such a fucking pity too, "You know what. Fine. Fine. He was hot, I'm hot. The pay will be good and four days off? I could use it to do something productive. A hobby."

"You? A hobby." She laughs, a snort leaving her. I give her a side glare, "Sorry you know nothing but work. It's funny to think of you knitting or something."

"You know what, go fuck yourself." I grumble clicking out of the offer letter. Rachel sighs behind me going to leave the office when he foot steps stop.

"Hold on, is that Mark?" She whispers.

"How in the world would you... Shit." Mr. Complicated waltz into my office, his face covered in vicious anger. I hadn't seen this side of him, but I didn't want to continue.

"Get out Mark." I point towards the door, but he keeps waltzing towards me. Rachels moves to guard me with her hands outstretched.

"I'd listen if you knew what's good for you." Her threat isn't light. I watch her shoulders tense, body getting ready to fight if it needs to. What in the world? Rachel is the last person I would expect to stand up to someone, let alone offer to take on one on one.

"Hey, hey. We don't need to do this." I wave my hands at both of them walking around the table to try to calm the energy int he room. Mark snaps his head at me, a solid black ring around his crisis, "What the fuck Mark... did you shoot yourself up or something?"

"You planned to fuck Jeff later?" He shoulders tick, "And got me fired?"

"Fired, hold on. I simple said for him to check on you, and what I do in my own time is my own business."

"And I was willing to wait on you." He spits, Rachel growls. She fucking growls.

"Last chance Mark." Her voice is scratchy, must different than I'd expect from anything that could happen to her. I watch her shoulders rise and fall. Water would steam oft her if it landed against her skin.

"She deserves to rot for everything she did to me."

"This isn't you talking. No go." He shivers, I pale next to her. I have next to no defense against someone. I'd break every bone in my hand if I swung to hard in the air.

Mark gives me one last look before exiting the office. I watch him launch himself down the staircase, his back leaving my sight before I could catch my breath, "What is happening today?"

"You know, that's a great question."


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