Chapter Nine: Incoming pt 2

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*Once again I have no idea about anything about childbirth or pregnancy I'm making a few things up other things from google and just going with it. If you don't like that you can skip this chapter because it's mainly just about the baby being born. This chapter revolves around Yelena's feelings about what is happening but there are no big events that happen*

It has been a few hours. Doctor Banner and various nurses came in every couple minutes to check on Nat. Dr. Cho had to go help Shuri on a project they are working on.

Yelena was starting to get annoyed. And even more worried then she was before. This was taking forever. Was it supposed to take this long? She didn't trust any of these people. They were supposed to be helping her sister. Yet she seemed to be in constant pain. Breathing very heavily trying to calm the contractions. No one was doing anything. They were supposed to help yet they were just watching as her sister was struggling. It made Yelena angry. And when she was angry no one was happy.

Yelena has very strong attachment issues. She doent get attached easily given her childhood but when she does get attached she cant see anything wrong with them. Seeing her sister in any pain at all made Yelena want to kill anyone who was capable of doing anything but wasn't.

So that's what she plans to do. Yelena releases Nat's hand. Making Nat quickly open her eyes and call for Yelena as she sees her hurriedly exit the room. Yelena walks right out to where Dr. Banner is. She pulls him by the collar of his shirt and pushes him into the wall. She isn't able to think clearly at the moment because she knows something is wrong with her sister and no one is listening to her. 

"Ms. Belova put Dr. Banner down right now." Fury says stepping closer to Yelena, a large group of other agent surrounding him

Seeing everyone surrounding her makes Yelena start to freak out, bringing back memories from the red room.

Yelena POV:

There were eight guards surrounding me. All coming closer to me with different weapons. One had a taser, another with a baton, some with knives. I tried to run. I know Nat told me not to, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't kill that girl. So now I'm being crowded and backed into a corner. I lean against the white concrete wall behind me and slide down it, the ripples lifting up my shirt, scraping across my back as I do so. I lean down laying my head down on my knees. I'm scared. I just want to go back to Ohio. To have a family again. But I know that's not going to happen.

One of the guards finally comes up to me and shocks me. I fall flat on my back and shake profusely. All I can feel is pain. I'm helpless of doing anything, not even able to sit up. It feels like my blood is boiling. I can't about anything at this moment except how much it hurts. EVERYTHING HURTS.  My vision is starting to blur as my small body slows from shacking. The last thing I see before I pass out is a woman with black hair yelling at the man to stop. Melina?

I finally come back to reality by someone putting there arms around me and pulling me to the ground. I release Dr. Banner about to attack whoever is touching me. Instantly I start to freak out till I realize who it is. Nat. I cuddle into her and let the tears continue to fall from my eyes. I just lay there for a minute forgetting everything else. It's just me and her. Well me, her, and the baby. Wait. The baby. I quickly sit up and start feeling guilty. I'm the reason she is currently sitting on the floor while in labor. I'm probably the reason she is in so much pain too.

Feeling guilty I quickly get up and run out of the room.

3rd Persons POV:

Yelena runs out of the room leaving everyone not knowing what to do. Nick goes over to Natasha and pulls her up leaving a puddle of blood behind. The bleeding had stopped a while a few hours ago so the doctors thought nothing of it. That is until now. Blood continues running down Nats legs causing everyone to start rushing towards her trying to figure out what is wrong.

Standing just outside the door trying to clam herself down is Yelena. She is leaning on the wall hunched over with her hands on her knees. That is until she hears the comotion going on inside the room. Yelena quickly rushes into the room going straight to her sisters side. Nat instantly grabs Yelenas hand. A nurse pushes Nat to a operating room, Yelena still holding her hand following right beside them.

They get to the doors of the room and the sisters have to separate. Yelena is unsure at first but releases Nats hand when Nick comes over and puts his arm around her shoulders. The two walk over to the waiting room and sit in the chair as Nat is pushes into an operating room.

Eventually Yelena, Nick, Coulson, Carol, Maria, Sharon, Clint, and his girlfriend Laura were all in the waiting room. Sitting for what felt like years for someone to come give them information.

Hours of surgery later Dr. Banner finally comes out of the double doors. He has a solemn look on his face worrying everyone.

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