Chapter Eight: Incoming

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*Once again I know nothing about pregnancy. Everything that is medical in this is from movies and off google so it may be wrong. I don't know anything*

"Uhhhhhh" Nat groaned in pain

"It's ok Mr Fury will be here in a minute." Yelena says panicking before going to call for Nick again as Natasha tries to calm her breathing

Nick comes running into the room and helps Nat off of the bed before lifting her into his arms.

"There's blood." Yelena says quietly pointing to where Nat was previously sitting

"Shit" Nick says quickly carrying Nat out of the room and down the stairs, Yelena worriedly following behind them asking questions. "Is she going to die?" "Are you ok?" Why is she bleeding?" Nick and Nat both try their best to answer and calm her down but they don't even know the answers themselves.

"What the hell is going on?" Carol asks coming from the kitchen bagel in hand

"Go start my car. FAST. RIGHT NOW. GO." Nick says urgently

Carol finally realizes whats happening, grabs the keys and runs out the door. Nick carries Nat out to the car. With the help of Yelena, he sets her in the back seat where she is joined by her sister before Nick gets into the front seat, Carol already in the drivers. Nick gets out his phone and hurries to call S.H.I.E.L.D. Hoping they will be able to hear him with the chaos in the car. Carol trying to get directions of where to go. Yelena asking Nat multiple questions all while Nat tries to breathe to calm the pain. Weirdly, Natasha is the most quiet. Then again, She's in a ton of pain and also worrying what is wrong with the baby. As well as blaming herself for not telling anyone when she was in pain before.

"I need Doctors Cho and Banner waiting for me at the entrance with a wheel chair."

"Sir what ha-"

"Stop asking questions and get them. NOW." He says and hangs up

They arrive at S.H.I.E.L.D. Carol pulls up right to the front of the building. Nick gets out of the car and him along with Yelena help Nat out as she starts breathing heavily to relieve the pain from being moved. By the time Nat is out of the car being held up by Nick and Yelena as she hunches overs holding her stomach, Dr's Banner and Cho are already at the car with a wheel chair. She sits in the chair and Banner starts pushing.

They wheel Nat into the building Nick, Yelena, and Carol following quickly behind. Both Doctors bombard Nick with questions the entire way to the exam room. Once at the room they are met by a man with a receding hair line wearing a suit. The man had his arms crossed and a judgmental look on his face as he stared at Nick.

"This where you were?" He asks

"Yes Agent Coulson this was a off the charts mission. You are not to tell anyone about this." Nick says walking closer to him

"I don't need to say anything. The council already knows and you are in  a lot of trouble sir. I don't get why you can't just tell me things before hand so I can stop the consequences from happening." Coulson says sounding very annoyed

Nick goes to reply but gets cut of by nat

"You know, I am in a lot of pain right now. So could you to either have your lovers quarrel later of move out of the door way pleahhhhs." She says having another contraction at the end of the sentence

They move and Nat gets pushed into to room and sat onto the hospital bed. Once everyone is in and Yelena is standing at Nats side rubbing her back, Nick pulls Dr, Banner over to talk.

"You know you could have told me you were bringing a child with you. I was completely un-"

"There was blood." Nick cuts him off


"There was blood. When she stood up the was blood. I know that can be bad." 

"Ok I'll take a look." Dr Banner says going over to grab a ultra sound machine

Banner went to take the gel and put in on Nats stomach but Yelena stopped him by pushing his hand away.

"What do you think you are doing?" She questioned sternly

"I have to look at the baby." He said calmly

"Yelena let him." Nick said

Yelena looked over at Nat for the ok to let go of the mans arm.

"It's ok. Let him do whatever he needs to." She says in Russian

Yelena moved back over to Nat and grabbed her hand. Banner put the cold gel on her stomach making Nat wince. He moved the wand around her stomach looking at the screen.

"The baby doesn't look like he is in any distress. But you do have a rupture in your uterus so we have to go in and fix that as quickly as possible. We aren't going to do that right now though because it would just make things worse. We may have to do a c-section depending on the baby's position once your contractions are closer together. Because if the tear gets worse it could send the baby into distress and could be fatal for you both." Dr. Banner explains

"It's a boy?" Nat questions smiling

"You just find out you could bleed to death and the only part you heard was the gender. Really?" Yelena asks sarcastically

"You are good to sit and wait for your contractions to get closer together. Sadly it is to late to give you any drugs at the moment but if you need anything just call. There will be a nurse to come check on you every couple minutes to make sure nothing gets worse." Dr. Banner says then leaves the room

"Well this is going to take forever." Yelena says plopping down in the chair next to the hospital bed her hand still securely holding her sisters

"You're telling me." Nat mumbles as another shot of pain shoots through her abdomen

It is going to be a long night.

Sorry for taking so longs to update. I just got new kittens so I have been taking care of them and they are a handful. There will hopefully be some new chapters coming this week.

The kittens because they are adorable:

The black one is Salem and the striped one is Comet

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The black one is Salem and the striped one is Comet

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