A group of three men shamlessly ogling her . He noticed she was very uncomfortable under their dirty gazes.
But his one deadly glare at them and they ducked their heads down.

Anna looked down again not wanting to let their filthy gaze upset her any more. Alihan took a glace at her again . A few careless strands of hair falling on her face and he noticed she had a small ,round shaped face He did not even know how old she is but looking at her now ,he could tell she is even younger than his sister.

Before he could absent mindly got carried away by the thoughts of his sister's betrayal , some waiters arrived with his order.

Anna stared at the table infront of her wondering why there was this much food and drinks.Her eyes almost wide open as she without blinking stared at the variety of food on the table.

This man did not look like someone who eats this much. She eyed the food before looking at him who was already staring at her .

Their first eye contact was as magical and beautiful as their first physical touch . Alihan felt himself drowning in those glassy chocolate brown eyes and Anna, for a moment forget how and why she was there with him , all she could feel was herself getting lost in his black gaze.
Their hearts at peace for a few moments , unknown to them , their heart were beating at same rythem.

They would have kept looking into each other's eyes if Galib had not broken the intense eye contact.

Silently ,Galib placed the packet containing meds for Anna infront of her before leaving with a nod at Alihan's way.

Anna felt nauseous at the sight of food. Her nosetrils flared as strong smell of food now engulfed her ,she did not try to acknowledge there were meds at all. She felt dizzy again eyeing this much food.

She loved good food at times but never during travelling . And given the cirumstances she was in right now. Food was last thing on her mind.

Alihan watched her ignoring the food ,drinks and meds altogether. He felt so defeated and helpless.

Looking at her pale face he wondered when did she eat last time. It surely looked like as if she hadn't eaten since yesterday. He was still lost in his trance when he noticed Anna stealing glances at the family occupying the table besides them .The family which consisted of a set of parents and two young daughters laughed so merrily their laughter echoed through whole cafe.

Alihan watched as her eyes filled up with fresh tears . Those tears indicating how she missed her family and how heart broken she was at being away from them.

Alihan was even more regretful now . This fragile girl did not deserve this. She was too pure and innocent for all this. His revenge had broken an innocent heart and he knew he won't be able to sleep peacefully from now onwards because everytime he will close his eyes this tears strickened face will haunt him .

She was indeed truly beautiful and he wondered how her smile looks like. This angelic face adorned with a smile must be a sight to behold but sitting there drowned in his regret he wondered if he will ever be able to see her smile?

Brushing the thoughts aside he glanced at the table.
Knowing very well that she will not touch any food or even her meds,he decided to leave .

Anna silently followed him . Galib who had already had his refreshments waited for them outside with a cigarette. Watching Anna, he threw it off quickly. This girl was of his own daughter's age and he felt fatherly affection towards this poor soul.

Alihan gestured him to take Anna towards the car while he stayed back to pack the food in case Anna possibly feels like eating even though that was most unlikely to happen . He still hoped she don't starve herself especially when she is already sick.

Galib's phone rang in his hand, looking down he found his daughter calling. He wanted to take it later but didn't have a heart to decline his daughter's call.

"Child, my daughter is calling. If you don't mind can I take it?" He asked .
Anna slightly nodded and continued to walk ahead of him .

"Why this much sadness on this pretty face huh?" A pervert started to walk close to her saying while his friend followed .

"Oh my heart, these eyes are filled with tears." Anna was not physically strong .True. She was sensitive and fragile and kind . True but she had temperament of a madman. She could burn anyone in her anger and now that man had just got on her nerve and she couldn't ignore this prick no matter the state she was in!

Alihan with his hands full of packets walked out of cafe when scene in front of him made his eyes turn wide . Anna flung her fist at a man . He stumbled back but balanced himself holding his face in his hands. Everybody stopped at the scene while gawking at them .

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