they know the secret.

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Saphire plopped down on her bed she was exhausted fighting crime all night and day with only a few hours of sleep every night for the past week was really draining her energy. There was a knock on the door and saphire´s twin brother henry walked in ¨hey it's been a long night you want some ice cream?¨ he said. Sapphire looked at him and smiled; they had both always loved ice cream and thankfully their parents didn't care if they got some as long as they promised to leave a bowl in the container for piper. ¨yeah that would be great.¨ she said. They went downstairs and got out the ice cream there was still enough for three bowls they each got a bowl of ice cream and sat at the table to eat ¨this is so refreshing after a long night of crime fighting.¨ saphire whispered. ¨I know right.¨ Henry whispered back. They finished their ice cream and went up to bed. As soon as saphire layed on her bed she fell into a deep dreamless sleep. When she woke up in the morning she was still exhausted but she dragged herself out of bed and went downstairs for breakfast ¨morning sleepyhead¨ dad said as she entered the kitchen. ¨morning¨ saphire mumbled getting a bowl of cereal. ¨hey listen saphire have you seen your brother? when we went to wake him up this morning he was gone.¨ dad continued. ¨no not since last night.¨ saphire replied as she sat down to eat her cereal. There was a knock at the door saphire answered the door and henry's friend charlotte was there. she had dark brown skin, dark frizzy hair, brown eyes, and perfectly white teeth. ¨hey charlotte what's up?¨ saphire asked. ¨hey saphire where´s henry?¨ Charlotte asked. ¨I don't know I haven't seen him since last night.¨ saphire answered. ¨oh I hope he's okay.¨ charlotte said. ¨yeah me too¨ saphire thought out loud. They went to the school and there was henry talking with his friend jasper ¨oh there you are. were where you?¨ saphire asked. ¨oh sorry I left for school earlier than usual today I really wanted to talk to jasper sorry if I made you guys worry.¨ henry said apologetically. Jasper had curly blond hair, blue eyes and a silly face. ¨it's ok¨ saphire said. Charlotte walked over to Henry and started talking to him and jasper saphire walked over to her locker and opened it a note fluttered to the ground ¨hey saphire meet me in the cafeteria at lunch there is something I have to tell you.  Signed alexey.¨ saphire smiled alexey was always calling meetings like these in different places. saphire put her backpack in her locker and went to class biology her least favorite class mostly because they had to do frog dissections in that class and she had a secret she didn't tell anyone her secret was that she was afraid to use the razors.  ¨ugh I wish I didn't have to go to biology class I really don't want to do a frog dissection right now.¨ she grumbled under her breath. Fortunately a few seconds later the teacher came in and said that class would be canceled. Oh thank goodness that the teacher canceled biology class that was a close one they almost found out my secret saphire thought as she left the classroom. Saphire now had a free 40 minutes so she went down to the art room were the students do art projects of their own choice. when she got there a few other students were there but they ignored her the teacher mr jones was looking at one of the large portraits on the wall a spray painted spider one of saphire´s old art projects when he saw her walk in he smiled politely at her and at another student who had just walked in. saphire turned around to see who it was and her heart skipped a beat luka davidson stood in front of her he had black hair with blue tips, green eyes, and soft intuitive features. ¨hey luka how are you?¨ saphire asked. ¨I´m ok. You?¨ luka replied. ¨I'm good.¨ saphire said. Luka nodded and went over to take a seat and sat down. saphire went and sat down and started to do an art project. A drawing of New York City with Spiderman jumping from one building to another. Luka came over and sat down next to her ¨hey what you drawing?¨ he said looking over her shoulder at her drawing. ¨it´s new york city with spiderman jumping from one roof to another.¨ saphire replied. ¨cool.¨ luka said. He showed her his drawing it was a drawing of her as a superhero not as dangergirl but as a wonder girl. ¨it's not very good, just a little sketching.¨ he said. Not very good! It was amazing! ¨well I think you underestimate yourself. it's amazing!¨ saphire responded. ¨thanks I kinda think of you as a superhero so I just thought I would draw you as one and show you cause why not right.¨ he said, shrugging. saphire chuckled ¨well I think it's great.¨ she said. Just then the bell rang saphire said goodbye to luka and left. At lunch time when she got to the cafeteria alexey was already standing by the door ¨hey saphire.¨ alexey said. ¨hey alexey. what´s up?¨ sapphire replied. They went over to the lunchline ¨ok you know what I think about your friend luka.¨ alexey said. ¨what?¨ saphire asked as they got food and went and sat down. saphire started eating her food ¨I think he likes you¨ alexey said. ¨what do you mean?¨ saphire said and continued eating. ¨I think he has a crush on you.¨ alexey explained. saphire choked she was not expecting this. ¨what!!!¨ she exclaimed.  ¨yeah I mean I see the way he stares at you.¨ alexey said. saphire shook her head. ¨I don't think so and he doesn't stare at me!¨ she said. ¨yes he does!¨ Alexey argued. ¨no he doesn't!¨ saphire said. The bell rang and students started to leave their seats and head to class. ¨I´ll see you later.¨ saphire said to alexey. At the end of the next class luka caught saphire in the hall and pulled her aside ¨ok I can´t keep it a secret anymore.¨ he said. ¨what?¨ saphire asked confused. ¨ok here goes¨ he said and took a deep breath. ¨saphire I have a huge crush on you.¨ he said quickly. saphire gasped alexey had been right he did have a crush on her. ¨I know this is unexpected but I just couldn´t keep it a secret.¨ he said. saphire braced herself ¨luka I have a crush on you two.¨ she said. Luka smiled even with how intuitive he was; he probably hadn´t expected this. He extended his hand and saphire took it and they walked back to her house together. When they got to the front porch they stopped ¨well bye.¨ luka said. Saphire smiled and kissed him on the cheek ¨see you tomorrow.¨ she said. Luka kissed saphire  on the cheek and left. Saphire touched her cheek where luka had kissed her and smiled. Saphire stood there for a second and then went inside ¨hi mom hi dad.¨ she said as she walked in. ¨hi saphire¨ dad said. He looked tired and grumpy so sapphire knew what was going on ¨you went around trying to find Henry didn't you?¨ saphire said. She knew the answer she just wanted to hear it from him ¨yes with no luck it's like he ran away or something no one has seen him.¨ dad said. Just at that moment Henry walked in. ¨where have you been henry?¨ dad asked him. ¨I went to school early so I could hang out with jasper before school.¨ henry explained coolly. ¨oh well you could have at least left us a note.¨ dad said exasperated. Saphire inched toward the stairs she didn't want to be in this conversation. When saphire reached the stairs she ran up them before anyone could protest. When she got to her room and closed the door she sighed she needed a breather. ¨whew that was a close one.¨ she muttered to herself. She walked over to her desk where her computer was and turned the computer on. The computer turned on to pictures of her and luka that she had taken on her phone and sent to her computer. She smiled, she had finally told him how she felt. There was a tap on her window saphire turned off her computer and went over to her window and opened it. Alexey was there ¨hi mind if I come up?¨ she said. ¨come on up.¨ saphire replied. Alexey climbed up the ladder on the tree next to saphire´s window and climbed into saphire´s room. ¨hi.¨ she said when she got in. ¨hi.¨ saphire replied. saphire and alexey sat on saphire´s bed and talked. ¨ So what happened with you and luka?¨ Alexey asked. saphire told alexey the whole story of how luka had told her he had a crush on her. ¨so I was right?¨ alexey said proudly. saphire laughed ¨yes you were right.¨ she said, still laughing. Alexey chuckled and they both laughed until their cheeks were sore. ¨I knew it. I just knew it.¨ alexey said. ¨and he kissed you on the cheek!¨ Alexey continued excitedly. Just the saphire´s watch beeped oh god not now saphire thought and stood up ¨hey I gotta go I'm late for work.¨ she said. It wasn't a total lie she just stretched the truth a little bit. She took alexey to the window and gave her a hug ¨see you tomorrow at school.¨ she said. Alexey left and saphire went downstairs and left for the mancave. When she and Henry got there ray was there sitting in front of the computer waiting for them when he saw them  ¨hi kids suit up time to fight crime.¨ he said standing up. ray walked over to the middle of the floor and got out his gum ¨well come on.¨ he said impatiently. Ray popped a piece of gum in his mouth and started chewing henry and sapphire followed his example. When they got to the bank there was a very short little man in a striped t-shirt and overalls ¨hello I am the toddler.¨ he said in a babyish voice. ¨hi I'm captain man.¨ ray said. The toddler wasn´t listening. He was too busy robbing the vault and laughing like a maniac giving saphire enough time to think up a strategy ¨ok you guys see how he's just taking stuff from the vault?¨ she whispered to Henry and ray. Henry understood as saphire knew he would. henry and saphire had that kind of bond that only twins have. ¨ok kid danger you take the left captain man you take the right and I will take the front.¨ she whispered. ¨good plan dangergirl.¨ ray said. They advanced henry going to the left ray to the right and saphire to the front of the toddler they had him cornered he punched henry in the stomach and tried to run but saphire tackled him and took the bag of bank money and tossed it to henry and ray which in turn gave it to the bank owners and rushed to help sapphire hold down the toddler until the cops came and took him ¨I´ll kill you I will get my revenge if it´s the last thing I do!¨ he shouted. They drove off and Henry groaned doubling over his hand over his stomach ¨you ok?¨ saphire asked, a little concerned. ¨I´m fine I just need a minute.¨ henry replied. One of the bank owners came over ¨is he alright?¨ she asked. ¨he's alright kid dangers tough he's just a little shaken up from the punch.¨ saphire answered. It was a lie though saphire knew henry was in bad shape and was in alot of pain they had to get him back to the mancave ¨come on our work here is done.¨ she said putting henry´s arm over her shoulders so she could help him back to the mancave. ¨thanks dangergirl.¨ he said smiling appreciatively. saphire nodded and smiled when they got back to the mancave saphire helped henry over to the couch and gently laid him down ¨I´m going to go find schwoz keep an eye on him.¨she said. When she found schwoz ¨you got to come quick!¨ she said. ¨what's wrong?¨ schwoz asked. Saphire told him what happened ¨and we think he may be hurt badly.¨ she continued. Schwoz and saphire went back to where henry and ray were, schwoz looked at henry´s stomach and prodded it with his fingers Henry flinched. schwoz helped henry over to a x-ray machine in the corner and had him lay on it. saphire was worried she hoped henry was ok. When schwoz was done x-raying henry he showed saphire and ray the results. The results showed that he had one broken rib and two bruised ones. ¨ouch.¨ ray said ¨that had to hurt¨. ¨you think!¨ saphire said angrily. She and Henry had only been working as captain man's sidekicks for a week and Henry was already hurt. Uugghh ray is so stupid sometimes she thought and then remembered it was her idea to corner the toddler and it was her fault that henry was hurt ¨I- I´m sorry I´m just mad that he´s hurt.¨ she apologized. ¨it's ok I was the one who took it bluntly.¨ ray replied. Saphire sighed she knew that she had to get out of there before they saw her tears but the tears came flowing down her cheeks before she could leave. Ray looked her in the eye and raised his eyebrows ¨saphire you okay?¨ he asked. Saphire nodded that she was fine. She didn't dare say anything for the fear of crying harder. This was her fault she might as well have just quit. Ray sighed ¨hey he's gonna be okay he's just a little hurt that's all.¨ he said trying to reassure her. Sapphire looked him in the eye and smiled. She wasn't assured though ¨it's just this is my fault it was my idea to corner the toddler. It's my fault that henry´s hurt.¨ she said. Ray shook his head ¨it's not your fault the toddler chose to punch Henry, not you.¨ he said. Henry tried to sit up and flinched ¨he's right saphire you didn't choose to punch me the toddler did and do you really think I would have helped corner him if I didn´t know if he was gonna do something like that or if I didn´t trust you.¨ he said. Saphire smiled gratefully and sighed. She was glad that Henry trusted her and Ray went to a door at the side of the room that she had never noticed before. How many rooms does the mancave have? She thought Ray went into that other room and got something from it. It was a laser gun of some kind saphire gasped as Ray aimed it at henry´s ribs and Henry sighed after Ray fired. ¨That is much better.¨ he said. This really confused saphire. She always thought that laser guns were for bad guys. Schwoz seemed to sense her confusion and explained that some laser guns were for bad guys and some were for healing us and that this one was one of the ones that was for healing us. That helped saphire understand why henry seemed to be relieved after getting shot with a laser. When saphire got home that night and was standing on the platform that was risen above her floor up to her window so she could climb into her room someone turned on the lights in her room saphire blinded by all the sudden light blinked after she recovered from her temporary blindness saw who it was who had turned on the lights and stumbled on the platform. It was Alexey standing there staring suspiciously at her. ¨hi.¨ alexey said after a minute. ¨hi alexey what´s up?¨ saphire said. Alexey told saphire to have a seat and asked were she had been ¨I was at work.¨ saphire answered taking off one of her shoes. Then alexey did something really unexpected and sniffed saphire´s hair ¨hmm.¨ she said. ¨why´d you sniff my hair?¨ saphire asked. ¨I heard that captain man kid danger and dangergirl fought a guy called the toddler and that they smelled like baby lotion.¨ alexey explained. ¨so?¨ saphire said. ¨so your dangergirl.¨ alexey concluded. Saphire laughed nervously ¨I wish¨ she said. Alexey sighed and pointed out that there was no point in lying to her. Saphire sighed oh well it can't hurt now she thought. She told alexey everything when she was done alexey promised to keep it a secret. They smiled at each other for a minute. when alexey left saphire got on her pijamas and crawled into bed and thought for the hundredth time that day about telling luka. if only I could she thought before drifting into sleep. She dreamed about luka and her running from something toward junk-n-stuff ¨come on!¨ sapphire shouted ¨not much further!¨. They reached the shop and saphire unlocked the door ¨get in hurry!¨ she said. They went in and sapphire locked the door and went into the elevator luka did the same they went down into the mancave and sapphire stepped into the middle of the room and popped a piece of gum into her mouth ¨I´m gonna blow a bubble.¨ she said between chews. ¨your gonna blow a bubble?¨ luka said challengingly. ¨I´m gonna blow your mind.¨ sapphire said and blew. Luka gasped ¨your dangergirl.¨ he said in awe. ¨yeah sorry I didn't tell you before now.¨ saphire replied. She stepped forward and leaned in to kiss him their lips touched. Saphire woke with a start panting and gasping it took her a minute to get the image out of her mind she got out of bed and went to the bathroom. splashing water on her face she thought about her dream what if this means that he will find out that I'm dangergirl? She thought. She shook the thought out of her head ¨it was just a dream.¨ she muttered to herself. ¨what was just a dream?¨ a voice outside the door said. It was Henry he looked at her and yawned he looked like he had just rolled out of bed then saphire looked at her wrist watch and saw that it was three in the morning she sighed. ¨sorry if I woke you up.¨ she said. ¨you couldn't sleep either?¨ henry asked ignoring saphire´s apology. Saphire shook her head and got a towel ¨weird dreams but then again lately there has been a lot of stuff worthy of making you have weird dreams.¨ she said plainly. Henry nodded in agreement it was true but they both knew they couldn't stay awake any longer ¨well I am going back to bed.¨ Henry said yawning. He turned and went back the way he came. saphire sighed and dried her face she looked in the mirror and she could swear she could see her mask on her face she smiled slightly you are dangergirl she said to herself. After a minute of staring at herself in the mirror she put the towel up and went to bed as soon as she curled under the covers she fell into a deep dreamless sleep. The next day at school alexey met her at her locker ¨hey.¨ she said. ¨hey alexey.¨ saphire said back. Alexey as usual was bright and lively ulike saphire who only had a couple of hours of sleep saphire yawned sleepily. ¨you ok you sound tired.¨ alexey said. ¨yeah.¨ sapphire replied ¨I just didn't sleep very well last night¨. Alexey nodded ¨well come on we gotta get to class.¨ she said. Saphire and Alexey went to class and sat down just as Mr Smith  walked in ¨hello everyone.¨ he said. ¨hello mr smith.¨ the class said. ¨okay today we are going to be talking about salt water and why it is so much heavier than freshwater.¨ Mr Smith began. As mr smith droned on saphire thought about her job she really wanted to tell luka or her mom or someone but ray had been really specific not to tell anyone about her secret identity. After class saphire and alexey were in the art room doing art projects saphire was doing her usual spiderman fan art and alexey was doing a cover for a song called I see your monsters and she was doing pretty good. Today saphire did a spider like the one on spidermans suit except hers was pitch black no red whatsoever and she loved it. She didn't even notice when luka came in until he sat next to her ¨hey¨ he said. Saphire didn't hear him and continued drawing. Luka sighed ¨hello earth to saphire please respond.¨ he said. Sapphire looked up at him ¨huh?¨ she said. Luka laughed ¨you seemed to be really absorbed into that drawing.¨he pointed out. ¨it's pretty good.¨ he continued. Saphire smiled sheepishly ¨eh it's just a spider.¨ she said. Luka shook his head and got out his art project sheet music for a guitar solo. Saphire knew he loved guitars they were his strong suit just like fan art was hers when it was time for them to go to their classes luka walked with her ¨my birthday is coming up if you wanna hang out then.¨ he said after a minute. Saphire smiled ¨of course I wanna hang out with you then.¨ she said. ¨what day is it?¨ she asked. ¨the day after tomorrow.¨ luka answered. Perfect now I can get him a present saphire thought and she knew the perfect present to get him a guitar so he could actually play the music he wrote instead of just writing it. When she got home from school that day she went straight up to her room to get her money so she could go to junk-n-stuff and buy luka a guitar it will be used but at least it will be something she thought as she grabbed her money and went back downstairs ¨hi mom hi dad¨ she said. ¨hi saphire.¨ dad said. ¨hey dad is it okay if I go buy a guitar from work?¨ saphire asked. ¨oh I didn't realize that you liked playing the guitar.¨ dad said. ¨oh no it´s not for me it's for my friend luka his birthday is coming up and want to give him a present and he really likes guitars.¨ saphire replied. ¨oh then of course you can.¨ dad said. ¨thanks dad love you.¨ saphire said already halfway out the door. When she got to junk-n-stuff she looked for a guitar she never really had been up here other than when she came in to get to the mancave. After a minute of searching she found the perfect guitar for luka it was electric blue with a black neck it was perfect it had a couple stains and probably needed a tuning but other than that it was like new I bet if I clean it up and tune it it will make a great present she thought as She went over to the cashier and bought it. When she got home she got to work first she got a clean wet rag and wiped off the stains and then she started tuning the guitar and when she was done with that she looked at it admiring her work it looked brand new! Now to wrap it she thought as she went downstairs and found the stuff she needed to wrap it and went back upstairs and wrapped it. She smiled luka was going to love it. On Luka's birthday she went up to him ¨meet me on my front porch after school?¨”she asked. Luka smiled ¨I´ll be there¨ he said. When sapphire got home she made sure that the guitar ws wrapped properly and that it was ready for luka to play it. She went downstairs and onto the front porch. She was going to take him to her secret spot in the woods and have a little party for him with guitar music and a cupcake and a present and a little dinner cooked by none other than saphire and she was a very good cook when she put her mind to it. She went to her secret spot and put the present there for later then She went back to her front porch and waited for luka to meet her. When luka got there it was around six o'clock and when sapphire saw him she smiled and stood up ¨hey.¨ luka said out of breath. ¨hey.¨ saphire said. ¨you sound out of breath. you good?¨ she asked. ¨yeah I just ran all the way here.¨ luka explained. ¨ok.¨ sapphire said nodding. ¨well I hope you aren't too tired to take a little walk.¨ she said mysteriously. Luka raised an eyebrow ¨a little walk?¨ he said suspiciously. ¨yeah.¨ saphire replied. ¨come on.¨ she said. With Saphire leading the way they went into the woods ¨so where are we going?¨ luka asked after a minute. ¨you'll see when we get there.¨ saphire replied. They walked the rest of the way in silence and when they got to saphire´s spot luka stopped in his tracks ¨wow this is awesome.¨ he said. ¨what is this place?¨ he asked. ¨my secret spot this is where I come to be alone sometimes.¨ saphire explained. ¨this is so cool.¨ luka said. ¨yeah thanks.¨ saphire said. ¨come on sit down.¨ she said motioning to a table with two chairs. Luka sat and saphire turned on a stereo with guitar music and got to work on food first she made the fire and put the pot of water on it then she cut the vegetables and put them in the water then she went and got some pork from a mini fridge over by a tree with an outlet and cut that up and put it in the water with the vegetables and put a lid on the soup ¨and there we go.¨ she said when she finished. Luka stared at her astonished ¨is there nothing you can´t do?¨ he asked. ¨well I don´t know but I´m pretty good at a lot of stuff except biology.¨ saphire answered. ¨wow just just wow.¨ luka said under his breath. Saphire got everything else ready and sat down ¨now we just wait for the food to cook.¨ she said. When the food was done she served them both a bowl and sat down and they started eating ¨oh my god that's good.¨ luka sai after one bit of the soup. Saphire smiled ¨I'm glad you like it.¨ she said. When they were done eating saphire put the dished in a wash basin to be washed later and grabbed a small box and put it in front of luka and opened it luka smiled at her ¨you shouldn´t have.¨ he said. What was in the box was a vanilla cupcake with blue green frosting and a candle guitar in the middle of the frosting and the words ¨happy birthday¨ written in icing under it ¨well I chose to.¨ saphire said. She lit the forcandle and told Luka to make a wish. Luka closed his eyes for a second and blew out the candle. He picked up a butter knife and cut the cupcake in half and gave saphire one half ¨here eat with me.¨ he said. They ate the cupcake together laughing when luka got some on his nose when they were done saphire told luka to close his eyes ¨why?¨ luka asked. ¨just close them.¨ saphire said. Luka did and saphire went over to where she had hidden the guitar ¨are your eyes closed?¨ she asked, making sure that luka couldn't see the guitar. ¨yeah.¨ luka replied. Saphire got the guitar and walked back over to luka and put it on the table ¨now you can open them.¨ she said. Luka opened his eyes and looked at the table ¨what is this?¨ he asked. ¨open it.¨ saphire replied. Luka opened the box and saw the guitar he looked at it and then at saphire and then back at the guitar ¨did you...¨ he started. ¨yeah I did tuned it and everything.¨ saphire replied. Luka took the guitar out of the box and played a couple notes and then put it back in the box and stood up ¨sorry if it´s not the right color.¨ saphire said. Luka shook his head and gave her a hug ¨it´s perfect.¨ he said. Saphire hugged him back and they just stood there like that for a minute and they probably would have stood there like that forever if luka´s phone hadn't chimed and interrupted them he checked it sighed and put it away ¨that was my mom she needs me back home.¨ he said. ¨I´ll walk you home and then I got to head home.¨ he continued. Saphire nodded she understood Luka grabbed his new guitar and they were off. When they got back to saphire´s house they stopped at the front door ¨well here you go your home.¨ luka said, starting to walk away. Then he turned back around and came back ¨I almost forgot thank you this was the best birthday ever.¨ he said. Saphire decided to give him one last gift she leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek ¨happy birthday luka.¨ she said. Luka smiled ¨thank you.¨ he said. Saphire watched as luka walked away and when he had gone she went inside and went to her bedroom. A minute later there was a nock on her door she opened it to see piper ¨piper what´s up?¨ saphire asked. ¨I just saw you outside with that boy. what's going on with you two?¨ Piper said. Sapphire explained that nothing was going on with her and Luka and that her business was her business and to just leave it at that. ¨oh ok sorry.¨ piper said and left. The next day at school saphire found a note in her locker ¨I know your dangergirl.¨ it said. This scared sapphire no one was supposed to know except henry and alexey and even alexey wasn´t supposed to know so saphire was freaking out if someone else knew that she was dangergirl she was going to be in big trouble. She found alexey as fast as she could ¨alexey I need to talk to you now!¨ she said when she found her. ¨whats up?¨ Alexey asked. Saphire told her what happened alexey gasped ¨wait that means.¨ she said. ¨that someone other than you, me or henry knows about my identity.¨ saphire finished for her. ¨This is bad. We really have to find out who it is  and make them forget somehow or make them help us or something.¨ alexey said, obviously panicking. ¨alexey calm down we will figure this out together one step at a time.¨ saphire said. Later that day when luka and saphire were hanging out in her room they were talking about how boring school was that day ¨did you get the note I put in your locker this morning?¨ luka asked. ¨wait you sent that note?¨saphire said. Luka nodded ¨I know your dangergirl because dangergirl and you both like to help people.¨ he said plainly. Sapphire sighed there was no point in keeping it a secret from him anymore so she went over to her painting of elsa and anna from frozen and got her tube of gum from behind it and popped a piece in her mouth ¨I´m gonna blow a bubble.¨ she said. ¨your gonna blow a bubble?¨ luka said questioningly. ¨I´m gonna blow your mind.¨ saphire replied. She blew a bubble and as always she turned into dangergirl instantly luka looked a little shocked ¨wow.¨ he said. Just then Alexey burst into the room ¨luka sent the note!¨ she exclaimed. ¨I know.¨ saphire said. ¨why are you dressed like that in front of him?¨ Alexey asked. ¨because he figured it out and there was no point in keeping the truth from him kinda like when you figured out I was dangergirl.¨ saphire explained. She detransformed and put her gum away alexey and luka went home and saphire went to bed the next day she would take alexey and luka to meet ray but right now she just needed to sleep ¨well now they know.¨ she said to herself as she drifted off to sleep.

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