Saphire's new job.

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Saphire hart grew up in a little town called swellview she had a twin brother named henry he had dirty blond hair and a great personality he was funny and always made saphire laugh. saphire also had a sister named piper and her name suited her perfectly. She was loud but she was sweet and loved to help people. She had dirty blond hair and she was 2 years younger than saphire and henry. saphire had dirty blond hair and loved to read and watch superhero movies. She had a big imagination and when her brother or sister were being picked on she tried to stand up for them. She loved superheroes. She had always wanted to be one. She grew up watching the local superhero captain man on the news and that's where our story starts when saphire and henry were 13 years old…

¨saphire, henry you should get jobs there.¨ saphire´s dad said. They were watching the news and they had just heard that the old thrift shop down the street was hiring. ¨but dad!¨Henry protested. Saphire ignored the protest. She really did like thrift shops. She thought that looking at the old and used stuff was easier than getting new stuff. ¨well I think that that is a good idea¨ she replied. ¨I agree.¨ saphire´s mother said ¨ït is a wonderful idea it can give them a little experience in the work field¨. Sapphire smiled gratefully. ¨well that's great, when will they start?¨ Piper asked. ¨well we haven't decided whether or not they are going to get the jobs and I believe they have to do an interview so the shop owner knows what their good at and who they are so they can debate on whether or not they get the job.¨ dad said. I already know that I want that job. I just hope mom and dad decide to have us try and get those jobs  saphire thought. ¨well I think it's a bad idea I don´t think we should do it.¨ henry piped in. saphire knew he didn't like thrift store´s and she also knew that mom and dad would never let her do that job unless he did it too so ¨I propose a vote. all in favor?¨ she said. Mom, dad, piper, and saphire raised their hands looking expectantly at henry henry sighed saphire knew he didn't want to but slowly he raised his hand looking defeated. ¨it's settled then we´re going to go and try to get those jobs¨ saphire concluded. ¨let's go!¨ dad said. They turned off the tv got on their best clothes and went outside and waited for their parent´s their parent´s came onto the front porch ¨I think we can make it there on our own it's just down the street and I know the way like the back of my hand¨ saphire said. ¨yeah good idea¨ henry said halfheartedly. ¨ok but be careful and remember to come straight back home when you're done¨mom said. ¨we will. love you!¨ saphire replied she and henry already walking down the walkway. They walked in silence all the way down to the shop but she didn't need Henry to say anything to know he was feeling down so she broke the silence ¨hey riddle me this. what's smaller than a dog but can put a bear on the run?¨ she said grinning. ¨what?¨ Henry asked the corners of his mouth turning upward. ¨ a skunk!¨ saphire replied laughing. Henry laughed too as she knew she could always make him laugh especially when he was down. They shared a smile for a minute and then went into the shop and up to the desk  ¨hi I'm saphire hart and this is my brother henry we´re here about the jobs.¨ saphire said to the man at the desk. ¨oh yes go downstairs in the elevator and you can have your interviews with ray.¨ the man said.¨thanks¨ saphire replied. she and henry went into the elevator and pushed the button for going down to the bottom floor. The doors closed and the elevator went to the bottom floor. They got out of the elevator and explored their surroundings. A man sat on a couch listening to music on a pair of headphones when he spotted them by the elevator he took off the headphones and set them on a nearby table. ¨hey how you doing? cool. what's your name?¨ he said, looking at henry. ¨hi I´m henry hart I'm here about a job.¨ henry replied. ¨hmm. Age?¨ Ray asked. ¨I´m 13 I'll be 14 on my next birthday.¨ henry said. ¨ah so your aging normally. I like that.¨ ray said. And then looked at saphire ¨and what about you?¨ he asked. ¨I´m saphire hart and I´m here about a job too.¨ saphire answered. ¨and how old are you?¨ Ray continued. ¨I´m 13 I'll be 14 on my next birthday.¨ saphire said. ¨oh so you are aging normally also I like that.¨ ray said. ¨henry, saphire can I trust you? Ray asked. ¨yeah¨ henry and saphire said in unison. ¨can you two keep a secret?¨ Ray continued. ¨yeah¨ henry and saphire said in unison curious about what he meant. Ray got out a tube of strangely glowing gum and popped a piece into his mouth and started chewing. ¨I´m going to blow a bubble¨ he said in between chews. ¨your going to blow a bubble.¨ henry said questioningly. ¨I´m going to blow your minds.¨ ray replied. Ray did one last chew and blew a bubble when the bubble popped there was a bright flash of light and suddenly ray wasn't there instead in his place was captain man! Then saphire realized that Ray was captain man! She gasped and pointed that out to Henry and he gasped too. ¨henry and saphire I want you two to be my sidekicks. Are you interested?¨ Captain man said. This had always been saphire and henry's dream! ¨YES!¨they shouted excitedly. ¨good then let's get you guys a couple of uniforms¨ captain man said. He led them to a pair of dressing rooms and directed henry into one and saphire into the other ¨the clothes are already in there.¨ he said as they went in. saphire looked at her options there was a purple one with a blue stripe down the right side she tried it on and went to the mirror it didn't have anything to cover her face and she knew she would immediately be recognized by everyone so this one was out she took it off and looked again she saw another one this on was red and had a gold stripe down the right side she tried it on and immediately knew that this one would not work it was too tight! She took it off then saw another one. This one had purple sleeves and pants, a red and grey vest, red gloves, and a purple and gold mask. She tried it on and it fit her perfectly. She looked in the mirror and smiled. If she hadn't known it was her she wouldn't be able to recognize herself so she knew that no one else would be able to tell it was her! She left the room just at the same time as henry left his. Henry was wearing an outfit similar to hers: it had blue sleeves and pants, a red and grey vest, red gloves, and a blue and gold mask. saphire almost didn't recognize him if she hadn't known it was him she wouldn't be able to.  ¨who are you and what have you done with my sister?¨ henry joked, grinning. ¨hah hah very funny henry.¨ saphire said giggling. A little man came down onto a platform in the corner of the room through a transparent tube when he saw the kids ¨up the tube!¨ he exclaimed. He was sucked back up the tube. ¨schwos come back down here¨ captain man called after the man. ¨they saw me!¨ schwos exclaimed. ¨schwos it´s ok their my new sidekicks¨ captain man said. Schwos came back down the tube, the tube went up and disappeared. ¨hello I´m schwos.¨ he said. ¨hi I'm saphire and this is henry¨ saphire said gesturing to henry. ¨hi¨ henry said, waving to schwos. Schwos smiled. ¨well what are your superhero names going to be?¨ schwos asked. ¨um I think I'll have mine be dangergirl.¨ saphire answered. She looked at henry and waited for him to say what his superhero name would be. ¨I´ll call myself kid danger.¨ he said finally. ¨good good.¨ schwos said clearly impressed at the names they had chosen. ¨oh I almost forgot about these.¨ captain man said handing saphire and henry each a tube of gum similar to his. henry's tube had blue and grey colored gum saphire had a red and purple colored gum. ¨those are so you can change into your uniforms quickly¨ captain man continued. ¨ok thanks¨saphire and henry said and went back into the changing rooms and put their regular clothes back on. When they got back out they said goodbye to captain man and schwos and left when they got home they told their parents that they had gotten the job. ¨congratulations kids!¨mom and dad said at the same time. ¨yeah congrats!¨ Piper said. They ordered pizza and celebrated saphire and henry's new job. the next day saphire and henry went back to the shop and went downstairs when they got down there ray was at a gigantic computer at the opposite wall looking at security footage from all over the town and eating popcorn when he heard the elevator door open he glanced back at them and then look back at the footage on the computer and said ¨hey guys. Are you ready for your first day of being my sidekicks?¨. ¨yeah¨ they answered. Ray waved them over to the computer ¨well your first job is to look at the security footage all over swellview.¨ he said as they sat down. They watched the footage and Ray passed them each a watch ¨this is how I'll contact you two, he said as they put on the watches. At that time a news feed came and said there was a robbery going on at the swellview bank ray got up ¨suit up we have crime to fight¨ he said to the kids.  and put a piece of his gum in his mouth, blew a bubble and  turned into captain man. He walked onto the platform and waited saphire and henry put their gum in their mouth and they each blew a bubble one second they were in their everyday clothes the next they were in their superhero uniforms. they stepped onto the platform and Ray pressed his belt and a tube went over him ¨up the tube!¨ he shouted. He shot up the tube like a firework leaving Henry a saphire confused after a moment they heard him say ¨press your belts¨. They did and tubes went over them ¨up the tube!¨ they shouted in unison. They emerged upstairs in the backroom; they went out the back door and were on their way. When they got to the bank the robber was just getting ready to leave and when he saw them he cursed he probably hadn't planned on getting stopped by captain man and his sidekicks. He tried to run around them but danger girl was too fast and she blocked his way. captain tapped on his shoulder casually, the robber turned around and captain punched him square in the jaw. The robber tried to run to the left but kid danger blocked his way. They backed him into the wall and captain man stretched out his hand for the bag of bank money that the robber had in his hand. The robber handed it to him ¨thank you.¨ captain man said handing the bag to one of the bank owners. Kid danger and dangergirl grabbed the robber by the arms and pulled him away from the wall. They took him over to the middle of the room and waited for the cops to come pick him up. When the cops came and picked him up and they where on their way out they got another alert about a crime happening henry and saphire grinned at each other and went on their way to fight crime they already knew they were going to love doing that they just didn't know how much but that is a story for next time.

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