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Yoongi picked up the cupcake and handed it to an employee walking by with dirty plates. He next wiped the icing off Jimin's suit and shoe with his handkerchief as best as he could.

"You've got slippery hands." He said with a teasing tone.

Jimin wasn't amused and frowned. "I guess so, yes."

"This is why I didn't want to mention it. It's quite awkward to talk about it since you're the person I'm married to now."

"Well, you didn't find it awkward to talk to her." He snapped.

Yoongi raised his eyebrows, "I thought you weren't the jealous type."

"I'm not! I seriously am not the jealous type. I swear!" He smiled through his pain.

"You seem a little upset."

He laughed, "No why would I? We have...our marriage..." isn't even for real.

"Come on. Let's talk about it elsewhere." He whispered in his ear.

Jimin felt shivers going down his spine. His cold minty breath felt amazing against his flushed ear. Yoongi took his hand and intertwined his fingers against his.

There was something so oddly intimate about the way he held his hand. So delicately, so careful, so loving. It definitely made Jimin's stomach erupt with butterflies.

The ones he thought were long dead.

Soon enough, they were out of the castle in the backyard. There was a dim light shining, but it looked like it was giving out.

On the way out, Yoongi had grabbed a thick jacket for Jimin. He knew he would be cold being out here and the last thing he wanted was for him to catch pneumonia.

The snow looked beautiful against the trees. Jimin smiled as he looked up at the sky and stuck his tongue out.

The cold wet snowflakes fell on his face and melted on his tongue. Jimin felt a sudden euphoric sensation. This was the first Christmas he hadn't worried about being in the orphanage, or losing the apartment due to not having money.

When he was younger, he had seen snow. Almost every year around Christmas it snowed. The only difference was that snow didn't look so pretty locked up in an old orphanage. Snow didn't look so pretty when you couldn't afford a light bill and were freezing inside your home.

He looked at Yoongi who was simply watching him. Jimin would be forever grateful to him for rescuing him from the hell that was his life.

"Thank you Yoongi."

Hearing Jimin say his name without the respectful tone was weird. Yoongi didn't know why, but seeing Jimin with snowflakes on his eyelashes, rosy red cheeks and chapped lips was beautiful.

Although he had tried to ignore the warm feeling Jimin provoked for weeks now. At this exact moment he couldn't. So he allowed it. He allowed himself to truly feel and it was nice.

"For what exactly?"

"For helping me. For saving me. I had no way of succeeding. Not with my background. If I hadn't attended that ball, I'd still be working for that abusive motherfucker at the bar. Thanks to you, Jungkook and I have a shelter over our heads. We have actual heat and blankets. A real comfortable bed and fluffy pillows. We've never had none of that. We could never afford it. Thank you." He gushed, reaching over to hold his hand.

He unconsciously clasped both hands around his and brought them closer to his chest. When Jimin realized he did this, he quickly let go.

"Sorry. I got a little excited." He murmured with a nervous laugh. He quickly shoved his hands in his pockets and breathed fast.

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