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"What's wrong?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin gulped down his butterflies that were creeping up his throat. Yoongi looked absolutely perfect. It was truly sickening.

How was someone that perfect?

The all black suit against his skin was a fucking crime. Min Yoongi in general was a crime. Jimin had to recompose himself before he made it weird, but he couldn't help it. He was only human so of course he wasn't as good as Yoongi who almost always seemed unfazed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to daze off. You just look really handsome in your suit."

Yoongi instantly felt his face redden. Why was he reacting in such a foolish way to such a foolish compliment? If he was honest, he didn't know how to accept compliments. Was he supposed to thank them? Compliment them back?

"Hmm. Well you don't look so bad yourself." He murmured.

Jimin smiled, "Sure." He replied equally as nervous.

"Let's go ahead and go yeah? It's getting late."

"How come you don't mind them seeing you, but you hide from the townspeople?" Jimin asked as they headed down the hallway.

Jimin could hear the faint piano music in the distance where the dinner, or small Christmas party, would take place. He was very nervous to meet all of these important people.

Although he had trained and practiced, he felt like it wasn't enough. Sometimes he spoke things too soon for his mind to process what he was saying and that's how he ended up in trouble most of the time.

"I think it's pretty clear why. This is a mandatory thing and I've attended them in the past. These people know of my existence and not like in the town here. They've seen me since I was a kid therefore I can't really disappoint them."

"Is that your fear? To disappoint the town? Believe me, no one would be disappointed if they met you."

"That's easy for you to say because you're not in charge of making all of the decisions. One wrong move and everyone turns against you. That's why I'll rather be both hated and loved in the shadows."

Jimin hadn't really thought about it that way. It was true. Yoongi had a lot of power and that was a lot of responsibility. He never thought he'd appreciate being normal until now. Except, he was not no longer normal. He was married to the king of Caaia.

As they got closer to the door Jimin's bones stiffened. His feet suddenly felt heavy and he didn't want to go inside. It was inevitable for him not to be noticed. Not in this flashy suit or beside the most handsome immortal in the world.

"I can't—"

"Relax, it will be okay. I'll be beside you and I'll do the talking. All you have to do is make yourself present. I'm sure they will adore you. How can they not? You're so chatty and charismatic. Just try to stay calm and greet everyone. As my husband, this is part of the deal."

Yoongi's voice was soothing. It was honey dripping from his lips. Although Jimin's heart was still beating like a rabbit on the run, his body didn't feel as tense. He felt comforted and supported.

Yoongi extended his arm out and Jimin shakily wrapped his arm around it. There had been minimal touching up until now.

As the door opened up, Jimin felt Yoongi flex his bicep. Instead of worrying about the crowd that was now bowing to them in unison, he looked at his husband who had a smile on his face.

But he didn't look happy at all. He looked tense and felt tense. Jimin then realized that he too was nervous and yet he comforted him instead.

Yoongi turned to face him for a quick second and then turned back towards the crowd. Jimin slowly did the same. He saw how everyone in their suits and dresses looked towards their direction. They'd look at Yoongi and then at him and then at Yoongi again.

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