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Jimin moved his attention from the paper that was taped to the light post. He looked at his angry boss hollering from the tavern door.

He looked at his clock and smirked, "I still have exactly fifty seconds of my break left."

"Smartass! Come on Jungkook needs help cleaning."

As soon as his boss went back inside Jimin groaned. To be an adult sucked. Not only was his friend and him barely making enough money to survive but on top of that they had to deal with an annoying boss.

He snatched the announcement paper from the light post and carefully folded it, putting it in his pocket. When he walked in he spotted Jungkook on his knees carefully putting the glass cups on the bottom cabinet.

"On your knees so early? What a filthy boy you are Jungkook."

Jungkook rolled his eyes looking up at Jimin, "Geez. Can you cut the jokes and help me? I've broken two cups and that dickhead is discounting it from my paycheck."

"Okay, okay, only because I love you. I don't get on my knees for just anyone you know?"

Jungkook chuckled as he playfully elbowed him, "Oh right. Whatever."

Jimin picked up the glass cups and carefully placed them in a line. He glanced over at his friend who was overthinking how to place them.

"How was your encounter with the dead boy? Any luck?" He whispered.

"Dead boy?" Jungkook asked, raising his eyebrows.


"Oh! Yeah, that guy. He almost drained me out of blood."

"What? Really?"

"Yeah. I got lightheaded and shit. He apologized afterwards but he looked at me like he wanted to keep devouring me." He said as a shiver went down his spine.

"I'm sure he didn't try to drain you out of blood. You know vampires and humans have coexisted for centuries now. They're not allowed to feed on humans unless we consent. Plus, they don't need human blood to survive. They can survive on vampire blood and even regular human food. They do it for satisfaction."

"You're really defending dead boy who literally almost left me for real dead."

"Am not. I'm just telling you because I have experience with them." He shrugged cockily.

"Yeah and you forgot to mention that it fucking hurts. Look at this shit! It's hideous! Will the bite mark go away?" He asked, revealing the marks on his wrist.

Jungkook had tried to hide it as much as he could with makeup. Jimin grinned, "You did not purchase makeup to cover it up."

"Well, I don't really like being marked."

"That's not even your shade color." He teased.

Jungkook pouted, "Jimin."

"Okay, okay, I'll stop. The marks will go away in a few weeks. I don't think it hurts. I quite like it." He admitted.

Jungkook's eyes widened, "You freak."

Jimin laughed smacking him. Soon they both started laughing, but their joy was soon interrupted by their obnoxious boss.

"I hear a lot of laughing and not enough work. I pay you to work, not socialize."

Jungkook immediately looked down at his lap. Jimin wrinkled his nose avoiding looking at him. Their boss spoke up again loud and demanding.

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