Chapter 18

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Endeavor gripped tightly onto the steering wheel as the noisy dial tone rang through his car. "President speaking."

Endeavor clenched his teeth at the nonchalant tone, "How long will that dose of medication last? He's already asking questions."

"Can't handle thinking on your toes?" The president quipped smugly. 

Irritation bloomed into Enji's chest, "I told him the memory loss was due to his head injury. How am I supposed to continue injecting him with this medicine if he's awake!?"

"Tell him it's to help with his head. Surely he's having pain from you recklessly bashing the poor boy's head into the wall?"

He flared, huffing through his nose, "As if you haven't done worse. Besides, he left me no choice."

"Ah yes, we're well aware how badly you messed up that relationship. That's why we gave you this out while we deal with the others."

"I want Dabi."

"And you'll have him just as soon as we do. It's tricky business to get around the police and press with as big of a mess as you've made."

"So what's the plan?"

The president sighed softly, "I have men working from the inside to erase records, and a team going to the hospital to bring in your family and that old woman. We'll be pressing charges against them for conspiracy and attempts on your life and my own. We'll have our normal lives back soon enough. You just need to keep the bird in his cage until his memories align with our goals."

"I don't want Dabi charged. I want him dead."

A small chuckle echoed over the line, "Of course. We'll push for the highest penalty for him, and maybe give him the chance to escape where you can publicly take him down."

"Fine…I have to pick up food, but I can't risk going into the stores. What does Keigo normally eat from KFC?"

The president sighed, "Over a year and you still don't know? No wonder your son stole your precious cock sleeve away so easily."

Flames burned across Endeavor's skin as his anger rose, "Watch it. You're lucky we need each other right now."

"No, we need your public image. You're only walking out of that coma because we allowed you to. We waited for the perfect moment to let you go after the Number 2, don't mess it up. Give him one dose per day after he eats, pick him up popcorn chicken and fries, and keep working with his memories. It's a simple job."

The line cut off and Enji growled in annoyance. "I'm not the one who started this mess to begin with…"


Keigo muddled around the large estate while Endeavor was gone. The windows were frosting over from snow, and the rest of the house was still fairly chilly. He wrapped himself up tighter in a tan cardigan that he found in the closet. It wasn't very thick but it helped keep the chill away from his bones. He matched it with black jeans and a light cream shirt, hoping to look nice when Enji made it back. He carefully pulled plastic off of a couch in the living room and went to turn on the TV. Static filled the screen, and he hummed softly in disappointment. "I guess he hasn't gotten cable set up yet…"

Golden eyes peered around the room for a home phone. "Enji always has one of those…" he stood up,  walking around until finally finding a phone attached to the wall. He grinned, grasping the the handle and putting it to his ear. Dead. No dial tone. "What is going on? Maybe it's unplugged…" He followed the phone line down, seeing it go through the wall to outside. He bit his lip, knowing it was too cold for him.  "Ahh, I'll be fine." He headed towards the door, slipping his blood covered shoes back on with a grimace. 

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