Chapter 17

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“Keigo, we’re here.” Enji’s voice pulled the blonde back from the depths of sleep as his estate came into view.

Keigo sat up, stretching lightly as he peered through the windshield, “Where are we?”

Endeavor killed the engine, dropping the noise to only the quiet pattering of snow hitting the roof, “It’s one of my homes. I’m sorry I never mentioned it, but we’re a few hours outside of the city now. It’ll be safer for you to recover here.”

He opened the door, letting in a blast of chilly air, and coming around to Keigo’s side of the car. He pulled the door open, and the smaller hero instantly curled into himself, “It’s s-so cold.”

“I know, I forgot to grab you a coat. Come here, and I’ll carry you inside.” Keigo nodded, a breezy smile spreading across his face. Enji looped an arm under his legs, and one behind his back as he carried his weight with ease. He kicked the door shut behind them as he melted the snow in their path. He heated his chest, encouraging the blonde to curl into him while they walked. Keigo’s body never held up well to the cold, and he tended to especially avoid snow as much as possible.

Endeavor shuffled to hold him in one arm as he unlocked the door. Once they were inside, Keigo looked around, noticing all the plastic on the furniture. “You really don’t come here often, huh?” A small hum was the only reply as Endeavor carried him to the kitchen. “Do your kids like this house?”

Endeavor sat him on the counter, and walked over to the thermostat to turn on the heater. He walked back to the sink, reaching down into a cabinet underneath to pull out a first aid kit, “They don’t know about it either.” 

“Oh…well…it’s pretty!” he added, trying to lighten the odd mood. He looked around, happy that his second nap took most of the dizziness away. It was a newer house, with an open floor plan. Everything was still painted the classic white and grays that most houses come in. Large wooden beams decorated the ceiling, much like Endeavor’s office, and for some reason that brought the sick feeling back to his stomach. He brought his hands together in front of him, poking his thumbs together while Endeavor moved around the kitchen. “Hey E, what about work? Are you off? I can stay at my house if you gotta go in.”

Endeavor shook his head, finally coming back to where he placed Keigo on the counter. “We’re off until you get better. A lot happened, and the Commission is giving us full carte blanche on when we return.” He gently pulled at the bandage on Keigo’s head, moving it to see the small gash from the concrete pillar. “Damn it, you’ve made yourself bleed again.” he whispered harshly, grabbing at new supplies from the box.

Keigo whined, wincing as Endeavor sprayed a wound cleaner on his head, “Sorry, Big Guy…I-I don’t even know what that one is from…Why didn’t they heal it too?”

His large hands froze, but he covered his stumble with a light cough, “Your body was already at its limit with healing quirks. You’ll have to deal with this one on your own.”

Keigo nodded, “R-right.”

Endeavor inspected the gash closely; he didn’t get much time to look at it in the parking garage. He had just quickly taped the cheap bandages in his daughter’s emergency kit to it. At least the cleansing wipes were able to handle most of the blood that spilled down the blonde’s face. His eyes trailed back up to Keigo’s hair, inwardly grimacing at the color. Blood was caked into his hair, mostly dry now after the hours-long car trip. He could cauterize the wound but it would leave a worse scar. With a sigh, he started threading a needle, noticing the small flash of panic in Keigo’s eyes, “I have to sew it up.”

Keigo swung his feet idly, “...but it’ll hurt.”

Endeavor shook his head, grabbing a dish cloth and rolling it up. “Bite down. I used some numbing spray, but it’ll only do so much.”

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