The sunrays began seeping through the curtains, with Sera realising it's already morning. He was suspicious of having so many weird "dreams," but he knew there was no way to learn if they meant more.

After his morning routine, he went to school with Hiroto and Shido.

"Guys, guys! Guess what?" said Hiroto suddenly, looking at his phone.

"What is it?" asked Sera.

"I'm going on a date today!" replied Hiroto.

"Seriously? With whom?" asked Shido, surprised.

"My girlfriend, of course. Haven't I introduced you already?" blushed Hiroto.

Shido realised he was talking about his dating sim and looked disappointed. Sera on the other hand, wondered about Niikura.

"Good luck, I suppose," said Sera.

"Not you too..." blurted Shido.

Hiroto looked happy with Sera's response.

"Thanks! I'll tell you guys about how it went after."

When they arrived at school, they changed at their lockers and went to class. The lesson went by quickly as on a normal school day. When school eventually ended, Reine came up to them.

"You two, please follow me."

Hiroto shook his shoulders as usual, not even being surprised. Origami stared at them, until she was out of view. Reine took them to the physics preparation room again, where Kotori was waiting.

"Good, I've been waiting for you. How fare your training simulation progress?"

Sera looked awkwardly, as if embarrassed.

"I... I already completed it."

"Truly? That's dedication. What about you, Shido?"

"I, uh... Completed it too."

Kotori was pleasantly surprised.

"Good, cause time is working against us. The Spirit is due to appear sooner than we thought. Energy concentrations are already growing exponentially, meaning..."

"Meaning?" jumped in Shido.

"...meaning we're going to be starting stage two of the training: practice. Shido, you will go and hit on Tamae Okamine. Sera, you will go borrow a few documents from her office."

Shido dilated his eyes in shock.

"Practice using her?! How did it come to this...?"

"We're training you to make the Spirit's fall in love with you, aren't we? If you can't even hit on a human woman, what are your chances with the Spirits?"

"It's not like I want to be this way..." sighed Shido.

"Come on, go find her, before she goes home. Off you go."

Shido left the room with a defeated look.

"You said borrow a few documents from her office... Does that mean you want me to steal?" asked Sera.

Kotori shook her head.

"This isn't stealing. You see, a few of Ratatoskr's documents accidentally got in the hands of a certain teacher who set them down in the teacher's office. You'll go, and when Tamae is occupied, get them back," clarified Kotori.

Sera didn't look too convinced but agreed.


"Oh, before you go. Here, take this earpiece. I've already given one to Shido, we can communicate like this, and we can advise you. Reine."

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