Chapter 33: Liam

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Chapter 33: Liam

We're closing in on the finish line, gang. I kinda don't want it to end…

But! On we go still! I'm actually super duper excited for this one, and it's been planned for quite some time. I hope you guys like it too >:)

(Sorry for the unexpected wait, even though I know how guys are tired of my apologies)

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I've never been to Willow Isle. Sage had visited a few times in the past year to secure good relations, but I had never come along. But now, flying towards the large island that houses the capital, I can't help but stare in amazement.

The island is bustling with life, even from these far off it's easy to see. Ships come in and out of port, people mull around the beaches, but the most breathtaking part was the dragon's. Oh goddesses, the dragon's were magnificent.

They swarm the island like a hive of insects, all different shapes and sizes and colors. I've never seen so many different dragons in one place. Amber and her family were the only ones I've ever met, but they are even more common than birds here. I had seen a few dragons from far off on our way here. They tend to spend most of their time in the archipelago anyway, but tend to stay clear of any humans. But here, it's like nothing I've ever seen.

I'm so transfixed on the scene before me that I don't even realize that two dragons had come to fly on either side of us. It's Kate who had to flick me on the shoulder to get my attention. I just about jump out of my skin when I look to the side to see the colossal dragons beside us. They're not as big as Viserion and Myshica are, but they're still many times bigger than Amber, and two different shades of green. One doesn't have front legs, and the other has a nasty scar over one eye, rendering it blind. They're both clad in strange leather-like armor that looks both strong and flexible at the same time.

"State your name and your business here." I once again jump at the sound of a voice. Why am I so jumpy recently?

I then notice two small figures on the backs of the huge animals beside us. They're clad in golden armor that glints under the sun, swords strapped to their sides and a shield on their back. They're knights, I realize.

"State your name and business here, or else we will be compelled to use deadly force to vacate you from this air space." The man knocks me from my thoughts.

"Oh, yes! Sorry. I'm uh…I'm Liam Emmerson, Prince of New Eladea. I've come to seek an audience with your king." I say, anxiety suddenly forcing its way into my stomach. We're really here. The man squints, leaning forward. I notice how Amber and the two dragons seem to be conversing, though most likely telepathically.

"Oh yeah! I recognize you. You're just a year older and…dirtier." The other man says with a chuckle. "We'll guide you in." He pats his dragon and they pick up speed, Amber moving to match them.

"What's her name?" The original man tilts his head down at Amber.

"Amber." I say. "Though, I would have thought she would have already told you that…" I glance down at her skeptically.

"They're in their own little world, it seems." He replies. "I haven't seen this breed of dragon in person before. She's beautiful."

"Well normally I would let her thank you herself but she seems a little preoccupied so I'll just say thank you for her." I laugh. They echo me as we near the island. The closer we get the busier it seems to be. Individual people are now visible, all buzzing around like ants in their colony.

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